Hi @EA_Illium
Hoping you can assist please:
Long time EA player (FIFA since day 1) etc - have spent $ thousands w/ EA over the past 15+ years (for context)
Love PGA 2023, but without a viable online/player mode like UT in FIFA - Career Mode remains the only attractive mode of play that offers rewards based on successful play, wins & player development etc.
However, 3 wks ago entering Career Mode has caused the entire game to freeze/lock up (after winning the FedEx Tour in my first season).
Only way to exit the lock is a hard reset of the game & restart.
Have tried all obvious solutions: game reinstall, delete console save data etc - no change.
Noticed if I create a new Golfer, the (new) Career Mode is fine, but back at level 1.
However, ive put hours ++ into my primary player now rated 95 & level 44, so I don't want & mustn't be forced - into starting over.
Issue full description here:
Platform:XBOX Series X
Summarize your bug: Cannot start or continue my existing player career in Career mode (have already won the Fedex Cup in first attempt).
Started a new season w/the same (main) player to try better certain courses & win the Masters etc.
However, every attempt to recommence my career (currently on round 4) - results in the entire game freezing/locking up. Only way to exit is a hard reset of the game.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? You would have to be my player in order to reproduce this bug. If I create a new player and the start my career from scratch, things progress as you would expect. YouTube has numerous videos of other players w/the same issue - check one out for ref.
What happens when the bug occurs? The entire game freezes/locks up (no music, cannot access any area or menu of the entire game)
What do you expect to see?
The next tournament or round in the season.
A useable & bug-free game.
This is clearly a widespread issue for thousands of players that has not been either addresses from yourselves publicly or resolved via the recent patch. Very Disappointed.
If this was FIFA (im an active player, forum member & occasional YouTube contributor) you would be moved into a priority fix by the strong online & YouTube community that would highlight the issue.
As the YT EA Golf community is still small, this lack of user/influencer-push is clearly enabling you to avoid the issue (for now).
Would appreciate your help & prompt assistance in resolving this issue for me & all the others on this forum/reddit/twitter etc - asap please.
Thank you,