Error 23
Any body get Error 23 I guess the game or EA or steam thinks I'm not online yet here i am?
is the best way I've found to fix the Error 23 message preventing you from playing career mode with your player. You will lose your current career unfortunately but you will be able to start a new one and you can keep your character!
Go to Documents-PGA Tour-settings-folder with random numbers-another folder with random numbers. One in here you will see several folders with random number letter names. The should all have a data and index file. Find the one with no data file. Delete it. Restart your game and you should be able to start a career mode. EA should fix this but this is the best work around I've seen. I would like to credit the user who I first found this fix from but I can't remember their name. I did not come up with this fix but figured I would post it as a new thread to try and help out as many people as possible as this was infuriating to find a fix/work around for.
this may save your career