Forum Discussion
@Mickstudio1308Because the negatives are really bad. They completely ruin the experience for me, and they *must* be addressed if I'm going to continue to play it.
- 2 years ago@Catphish37 Ok I understand but we clearly don't have the same
opinion on what is important. - EA_Aljo2 years ago
Community Manager
Hey, everyone. Let's keep in mind we all are going to have different opinions on what is important to us so let's keep our comments understanding and respectful of other's views.
Please keep the feedback coming! We all sincerely appreciate it. - 2 years ago@Catphish37 Assuming our local community manager has some influence to pass on recommended improvements on a priority basis, let's say the top 3.
What would your suggestions be on a ranking 1-3? - 2 years ago@EA_Aljo Everything is do in a respectful way. I just like to have the discussion. Don't worry about that.
- 2 years ago@RickinWaSt @EA_Aljo For me the priority, because it's probably super easy to correct and it's very weird is the triple bogey max.
- 2 years ago
1. Remove the triple-bogey pickup.
2. Implement mouse swing.
3. Allow for turn-taking in multiplayer, at least in private matches.
My logic behind the ranking is this:
Right now, with the triple-bogey pickup in effect, I don't want to even play the game at all. It's sucked the authenticity right out of the experience. In truth, I haven't touched it since I discovered it. If they fix that, I would at least play it. Right now, in its current state, I think I'm done with it.
Mouse swing is a huge deal for me, and would make even just playing single-player so much more enjoyable. But it really needs to be an option for all modes (though I can understand an exception for ranked play).
Multiplayer is pointless to me and my friends if we all shoot simultaneous. Nobody likes it, nobody will play it. If they take care of the triple-bogey thing and mouse swing, I could at least enjoy single-player. If they do all three, I think I would be mostly satisfied with the game as a whole.
- 2 years ago
People are seriously stressing out on simutaneous play? Why? I'd rather not be limited by someone taking 50 years to make the shot and complete the hole then wait. I do agree that it should be an option.
- 2 years ago@MaouYumisu I agree with you
- 2 years ago
Many are disturbed by the lack of turn based play, because that's how golf is played. EA puts all this effort into creating virtual representations of these golf courses yet it's not possible to play a normal game of golf with your friends online. Simultaneous play is not a normal game of golf. Turn based play should be the default. Simultaneous play should be an option. You might as well just play by yourself if everyone is just going to play through each other the entire round. And to each his own, but I have zero interest in seeing the ghost images of other golfers and their ball trails while I'm playing a given hole.
- 2 years ago@cds1834 I fully understand, but I think it would be easy for EA to add this option of play and the game isn't less good because of that.
The problem is always the people who overeact for a little detail. - 2 years ago@MaouYumisu Well for one thing, many people by the 2k and this game for the main reason of playing a friend online, or playing random players in online matchmaking. I'm one of those players. To not have Turn Order enabled, like every golf game of the last 25 years (including all of EA's previous golf games), is a show stopper for me and many others. I love the game, I've played it for hours every day since the Trial and early access. But I'm done with it until they allow turn play, at least for private 1v1 matches.
That issue makes all online play useless to me, and not being able to chose how many rounds you play at each tournament in career mode makes playing career mode useless to me.
Even playing match play against a cpu Pro is completely broken, the scoring is incorrect and the commentary is completely off on whether the golfer got a birdie or a bogie.
So the 3 modes I play most in a golf game are useless in this game at this point. They simply have to add turn order. Just look at all of the posts on that issue across all of the forums. #1 issue for so many people. - 2 years ago@alldaygolf I understand your point, everybody has their need in golf game. For me, I will continue to play 4 round tournament even if the option was there and I don't play online so the game is perfect for me.
The only negative things for me is the lack of things in the store.
All the other point I have are for me some "nice to have in the futur" ;
- More swing animation (and different stance by type of shot)
- Match play tournament in the career mode
- More playable player
- More challenge in the career mode
I just want that people make the difference between their wishlist and things that are wrong in the game. - 2 years ago@Mickstudio1308 I would like to see all of those things as well.
I don't have a "wish list" though. Turn play is how golf is played, and it's been in every golf game in history. It is *essential* to golf.
I'm confident EA will fix this. It's just too big of an issue for so many people. People are abandoning the game because it's not in there, and it hurts EA's ability to sell more stuff. If nobody can see your gear and clothes, what's the point of buying any? - 2 years ago@alldaygolf I agree with you.
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