Forum Discussion
Platform:PlayStation 5
Summarize your bug Once again, the rewards are not being awarded for any modes, career, tournaments, or challenges. Is this going to be an on going issue? Will be be receiving them for past accomplishments once fixed? Why is it server based, when storing locally would solve the problem once and for all.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to win a reward
What happens when the bug occurs? Not receiving rewards
What do you expect to see? Rewards
Please fix the reward system. It doesn't work and continues to fail in its current state
- 2 years ago
Summarize your bug Stars are earned and awarded per challenge but do not count towards reward stars (See Pics)
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Complete the community spotlight challenges
What happens when the bug occurs? Stars shown for completing challenges but do not register on the progress bar for rewards.
What do you expect to see? Stars earned 9/9 but shows 0/9
Pics are better to understand than my description
- 2 years ago
Platform:Xbox Series X
Summarize your bug Sponsor challenge for Taylormade won't give me the rewards. I collected all 15 stars in the second part of their challenge and it says "Reward Collected" but when I go to my golfers screen there is no rewards available to open. Part one gave me my rewards, but part 2 will not. So, does this mean I will never be able to get whatever the rewards were supposed to be? It's stuff like this that give people a negative view of the game.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I think it's pretty obvious that all you have to do is go to Sponsor Challenges and Taylormade, and do the challenges.
What happens when the bug occurs? After completing the challenge and checking the results, it says "Rewards Collected", but on the golfer home screen there is no rewards listed in the tab, in fact there is no "Reward" tab because it didn't give me the rewards.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see my rewards I earned. I'm giving up on doing challenges until the bug is fixed. I guess I'll have to do without whatever the rewards were supposed to be.
Challenges are bugged, the physics of the game are bugged, greens are like glass top surfaces...lots of fixes need to be done. I would like to know if any of the programmers actually play any golf at all in the real world? The fact that I hit a ball out of the rough and it has 10-15 yards of backspin on a tournament level green tells me something isn't right. Hitting a ball out of the rough isn't going to give you much backspin, especially on greens that are firm and fast. In the rough, there is too much grass between the club face and the ball, thus not giving any spin on the ball.
Some challenges involving flop shots and blasting out of a bunker require a hole out to complete the challenge. Are you serious? Anyone who plays golf knows that hole outs from anywhere are totally dependent on luck. To require a hole out on a flop shot is not challenging the player's skill, it is challenging the odds of luck, and holing a flop shot from 30 yards is 99% luck. Same with holing out a bunker shot. I think the hole out requirement should be replaced with just a very close position to the hole, say less than three feet or so. If anyone does hole out on those shots, they were darned lucky. Requiring making a nearly impossible shot like holing out from the bunker or holing out a flop shot takes the challenge away and causes people to just skip the challenge altogether. I suppose some people have learned a new cheat to make these shots, but most of us just need to hope for some good luck 99% of the time. - 2 years ago
I've located the problem for ea pga tour. It's ea's server. I have received my rewards but I have noticed after several times of this happening that it can take up to or more than 24 hours to register. Right now ea server kicked me out right at the end of my tournament and won't reconnect. I have tested my internet it is working fine. I can't think of the reasons why it's an advantage to have this as a completely server based game, is it something I'm just not considering? Anyone have any ideas on that? Even your character is stored on thier server, obviously one day they will shut it down, making this game useless. It's now been 10 mins and it's still stuck on trying to connect to the server, you know, just to play the damn game. This is unacceptable.
- 2 years ago
It really is ridiculous. I had finally gotten my player some skills where I wasn’t slicing the ball all over the place, and now…brick wall. I don’t even want to do challenges anymore. It’s a shame. When the game works, it’s a beauty.
- Ultrasonic_772 years agoHero
@pf7i6ig9w2kk wrote:It really is ridiculous. I had finally gotten my player some skills where I wasn’t slicing the ball all over the place, and now…brick wall. I don’t even want to do challenges anymore. It’s a shame. When the game works, it’s a beauty.
If it's skill points you're really after then just playing normally outside of the Challenges section may well earn you XP faster anyway. You'll get 1,000 - 1,100 ish per hole. The issues with some challenges absolutely need addressing but don't let them put you off enjoying the game.
- 2 years ago@Clv_Steamer And it is extremely annoying to "work" for something and not being rewarded as you should be.
If the dev's cannot ensure that past achievements are credited the way it should be, then I will buy out EA PGA Tour and scrap the entire thing. - 2 years ago
Same problem for me. This is getting ridiculous EA. No wonder noone plays your * games with all these reoccurring issues. Please fix asap and make sure its fixed for good and give us our rewards we earned. This isnt even fun anymore
- 2 years ago
it's beyond ridiculous. i don't understand why it's still an ongoing issue. i will say the last time it happened i did receive my rewards two days later, but this time it's already been two and still nothing. before i bought the game i read some encouraging comments about fixes and additions they were making that the community wanted. it actually had me thinking EA was turning over a new leaf, obviously not.
- 2 years ago
I'm missing my rewards from the Seasonal Tour tournament that I did yesterday. I received my rewards for all of the other tournaments I did yesterday except the seasonal tour tournament. It's the only one that after I completed it yesterday it didn't show my score when I went to the leaderboard. I did see a connecting to server message when I completed it for a few seconds yesterday. Looking at it in the Final tab of Tournaments it still doesn't show my -5 score that I had gotten and shows a - where the score would be and says missed rank. Didn't even get the rewards you would get for missing rank. I opened a help case with EA so hopefully I can at least get the 20 tickets I spent on it back if they can't get me the rewards I would have gotten for shooting -5.
- Ultrasonic_772 years agoHero
@bigchi wrote:I'm missing my rewards from the Seasonal Tour tournament that I did yesterday. I received my rewards for all of the other tournaments I did yesterday except the seasonal tour tournament. It's the only one that after I completed it yesterday it didn't show my score when I went to the leaderboard. I did see a connecting to server message when I completed it for a few seconds yesterday. Looking at it in the Final tab of Tournaments it still doesn't show my -5 score that I had gotten and shows a - where the score would be and says missed rank. Didn't even get the rewards you would get for missing rank. I opened a help case with EA so hopefully I can at least get the 20 tickets I spent on it back if they can't get me the rewards I would have gotten for shooting -5.
The results are just delayed:
- 2 years ago@Ultrasonic_77 I don't know about that. It's the only one that wouldn't show my score yesterday when I went to pending tournaments. I received the arcade seasonal rewards already today. I feel like it had a problem or bug logging my score.
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