Forum Discussion
113 Replies
@pf7i6ig9w2kk wrote:It really is ridiculous. I had finally gotten my player some skills where I wasn’t slicing the ball all over the place, and now…brick wall. I don’t even want to do challenges anymore. It’s a shame. When the game works, it’s a beauty.
If it's skill points you're really after then just playing normally outside of the Challenges section may well earn you XP faster anyway. You'll get 1,000 - 1,100 ish per hole. The issues with some challenges absolutely need addressing but don't let them put you off enjoying the game.
Hi seasonal and weekly tournaments have not giving out rewards!! I finished all tournaments around 90-300 mark rank and have no rewards just a missed rank message I clearly haven’t missed rank why no rewards???? This is so annoying having wasted about 30 tickets to be screwed out of rewards 😡
Platform:Xbox Series X
Summarize your bug Having finished top 90-300 in weekly and seasonal tournaments (arcade/pro) and one tour no rewards given and just missed rank message. I’ve clearly not missed rank but no rewards given
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Fix it and give rewards earned
What happens when the bug occurs? You get a missed rank message despite high leaderboard position
What do you expect to see? Earned rank rewards given
Rewards not given on weekly and seasonal tournaments
- @nivla6 It usually takes about 2-3 hours before rewards are given out. If you check back in an hour or 2, I'll bet that you will be given your rewards. The same thing happens to me every day/week. It says 'missed rank' for 2-3 hours and then if you close the game and re-open the awards should show up.
As above, this is normal and not a bug. When the real results show the final position will be a number not a -, and the rewards should then come through.
I have not received rewards from seasonal tour from last season even though the final tour indicates that I should have gotten something. Also, there are no seasonal tournaments listed at all. Is there possibly a problem with the seasonal turnover process?
Finished +1
632nd place and nothing.
Within the last hour, some spokesperson from EA posted on the EA PGA Tour Reddit site, that rewards from the tourns are backlogged, but all will get them. He said it was because so many tourns ended at the same time.
I'm missing my rewards from the Seasonal Tour tournament that I did yesterday. I received my rewards for all of the other tournaments I did yesterday except the seasonal tour tournament. It's the only one that after I completed it yesterday it didn't show my score when I went to the leaderboard. I did see a connecting to server message when I completed it for a few seconds yesterday. Looking at it in the Final tab of Tournaments it still doesn't show my -5 score that I had gotten and shows a - where the score would be and says missed rank. Didn't even get the rewards you would get for missing rank. I opened a help case with EA so hopefully I can at least get the 20 tickets I spent on it back if they can't get me the rewards I would have gotten for shooting -5.
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