2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
Ok, so like shots that would normally go in are now lipping out and- quite frequently. The frequently is very high. There is no way to adjust the putt better on a human level it seems and is happening to all of us in our club, not just me personally. The mechanic is just adding another hurdle to make better players miss putts more. Other games have done this in the past to even the playing field with skilled players making them much more pedestrian.
Additionally, other putts that are over-swings play out like under-swings and vice versa.
Other things are like we’re dialing back on how we line up our putts, instead of x amount of d-pad clicks left or right, those are reduced and the hits are more inconsistent than they were before. It looks like there is a “miss-hit” factor added to how the ball behaves during putting.
Also, Perfect/Perfect shots are literally not and passing the hole when adjusted properly before hand.
Some other things are harder to describe atm, I’ll update this thread as it becomes more clear.
I’m playing Pro settings btw.
@JGWentworths wrote:Also, Perfect/Perfect shots are literally not and passing the hole when adjusted properly before hand.
How do you know they were adjusted accurately before hand? Also the swing plan matters even for perfect/perfect hits.
I'm seeing more lip-outs and lip-ins than before but putting doesn't feel remotely broken to me in its current state.
@Ultrasonic_77Because I am elite player from years past and the system I’ve been using for 125 rounds plus loads of challenges in this IP is working and consistent. If one does the math, I’ve putted at least 2,500x. Maybe ~3,000 and up.
That number would be meaningless if I had no experience from 2006-2014 in TW, but that is not the case. My h2h record in years past, on an average looked something like ~150-15 and up.
@JGWentworths wrote:
@Ultrasonic_77Because I am elite player from years past and the system I’ve been using for 125 rounds plus loads of challenges in this IP is working and consistent. If one does the math, I’ve putted at least 2,500x. Maybe ~3,000 and up.
That number would be meaningless if I had no experience from 2006-2014 inTW, but that is not the case. My h2h record in years past, on an average looked something like ~150-15 and up.
With the greatest of respect that really doesn't prove anything. Particularly in the context of a discussion where the putting may have just changed slightly.
To add when i lip out a putt left I don’t expect it to also lip out left that completely defies logic
To say this is accurate to real life is ludicrous
and to those who says you can’t ram putts now, how do you the Pro IRL putt?
I’ve pushed it down to arcade with 3 click…. Something is not right mate. Something in the code has changed. Can our game be adjusting to learn it? Probably in time… but it’s not right.
Putting is great now. Realistic. Complainers try to ruin the game
@agentputt wrote:
One putt I hit One FOOT too hard and it went over the hole
As you've mentioned this again I'll just say that it may have been slowed down by its interaction with the hole though, so this underestimates the over-speed. I'm not saying there isn't an issue but I do think this example is less clear-cut that you suggest.
The putting seems off to me on ps5 despite nearly maxing out my golfer on putting. I play solo rounds atm on St Andrews and Wetlands. The break line indicator is often misleading. If it indicates a break i have to give it extra break for it to have any chance of going in. Short putts i can get away with by hitting it firmer. Anything, say, over 10 feet its a bit of a lottery if the ball goes in or not as i have to give it more break than what the break line is telling me. I don't know if anyone else is having this issue or whether it's just me.
This is up there with the worst I’ve ever seen
The really difficult greens/courses at Evian resort and chambers bay etc are redundant. Especially in any kind of challenging wind conditions.
Also, the communication that was promised has disappeared quicker roadrunner.