2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
FWIW my hunch right now is the frequency of this happening is related to putt speed, and maybe erring a little shorter when setting up putts may help. Just a guess based on what I've seen so far though.
@Ultrasonic_77 wrote:FWIW my hunch right now is the frequency of this happening is related to putt speed, and maybe erring a little shorter when setting up putts may help. Just a guess based on what I've seen so far though.
It’s not WORTH anything to be fair.
Why are you so hell bent on defending this? I’m curious how long you’ve played the TW franchise and what settings you currently play?
@JGWentworths wrote:
@Ultrasonic_77 wrote:FWIW my hunch right now is the frequency of this happening is related to putt speed, and maybe erring a little shorter when setting up putts may help. Just a guess based on what I've seen so far though.
It’s not WORTH anything to be fair.
Why are you so hell bent on defending this? I’m curious how long you’ve played the TW franchise and what settings you currently play?
I've not been defending anything. Please have a look back at what I've actually said.
@Ultrasonic_77 wrote:
@JGWentworths wrote:
@Ultrasonic_77 wrote:FWIW my hunch right now is the frequency of this happening is related to putt speed, and maybe erring a little shorter when setting up putts may help. Just a guess based on what I've seen so far though.
It’s not WORTH anything to be fair.
Why are you so hell bent on defending this? I’m curious how long you’ve played the TW franchise and what settings you currently play?
I've not been defending anything. Please have a look back at what I've actually said.
Again, how long have you played the franchise and what settings do you currently play?
@JGWentworths wrote:Again, how long have you played the franchise and what settings do you currently play?
This has absolutely zero relevance to anything I've posted in this thread but for transparency I've played previous EA golf games relatively little and I mostly play the current game on Tour settings. I'm an OK player but not remotely a top one. Do please read back through what I've actually said in recent posts though as you're clearly totally misunderstanding me. My number one role here is to try to help get issues with the game fixed and I've been asking questions to try to achieve this.
Just some examples
@martblokeLet’s be realistic here you’re saying that 0.1% overswing is too hard on a 10ft putt that it shouldn’t go in
A 10ft putt aimed 0.1% would equate to you aiming the marker at 10.1ft which you can’t even do. Heck the only way you could theoretically hit a 10ft putt too hard aka 11ft would be if it was 10%
Forgive me I didn’t realise In real life golfers could be so precise to be aiming putts within 0.1% 🤣
And yes experience in golf games does make a difference. It’s how a lot of the top players have kept at a top level
@agentputt thanks for the examples. This thread is probably being monitored anyway but I'll flag this behind the scenes to be sure it's not missed.
@Ultrasonic_77 wrote:
@JGWentworths wrote:Again, how long have you played the franchise and what settings do you currently play?
This has absolutely zero relevance to anything I've posted in this thread but for transparency I've played previous EA golf games relatively little and I mostly play the current game on Tour settings. I'm an OK player but not remotely a top one. Do please read back through what I've actually said in recent posts though as you're clearly totally misunderstanding me. My number one role here is to try to help get issues with the game fixed and I've been asking questions to try to achieve this.
It has 100% relevance. You’re a Tour player criticizing complaints from people playing Pro and Arcade. You’re literally a shill and should just stop defending something you don’t know anything about or lack extreme in-depth experience on. I’m not misunderstanding anything, I’m literally a master of language courtesy of Middlebury College top of my class. Stop bullying me with the I don’t understand you bits. You’re not even a moderator. Stop derailing the thread please.
@martbloke wrote:
@JGWentworthsQuite frankly, how long anyone has played the franchise is completely irrelevant. This is the game in question so whether anyone has played TW08, TW13, or any other means very little.
If you are blowing passed the hole as you say, and hitting a perfect/perfect or just a 0.1% overswing, then it's clear as day an issue with marker placement. Whether that's because things have changed with power since the update or not, you clearly need to adapt and set the marker shorter.
Now if you were to set up 1 shot and show a perfect/perfect putt goes the hole distance (aim to stop next to it) and then a slight overswing of 0.1% or close to for the exact same set up shot then goes blasting passed that spot instead of just passed it, then yeah I'd agree there's an issue. However, you are giving no context at all of the issue you speak of just that perfect/perfect and 0.1% overswing is going flying passed the hole. Without knowing if you've set the marker adequately or not, then your comments mean nothing I'm afraid. Need to evidence the issues especially if you want EA to look into it and fix it.
Of course it’s matters, you’re just being argumentative, unreasonable, and disruptive.
Someone new to video game golf or the franchise has ZERO legs to stand on. Are you joking right now lmao? You’re just being a troll with this sort or reply.
My chevron is perfectly placed, end of story. All EA needs to do is REVERT the adjustments to ball logic when putting, fixed, done, end. Lower the mishit factor and lower the chance for lip outs by 85%.
Currently 30 lip outs and 2 lip ins. It’s BROKEN.
@agentputt could you just clarify what difficulty settings you've got concerns with? I know you play (very well) on all difficulties and I'm guessing it's all of them?
@agentputtI didn't mention the 0.1% originally, that was Wentworth saying it blowed passed being 0.1% overswing. Of course that should go in, that was my point. If you hit a 0.1% overswing and it blows way passed where a perfect would be then there's an issue in the game. If it only goes just passed a perfect, then that's fine. So therefore, if Wentworth is seeing it blow passed the hole with a 0.1% overswing, then they are placing their marker way to far for too much power.
Also, checked out your vids above and that definitely doesn't seem right. It's as if the ball looks too big for the hole on the 1st 2 haha.
@JGWentworths wrote:
@Ultrasonic_77 wrote:
@JGWentworths wrote:
@Ultrasonic_77 wrote:FWIW my hunch right now is the frequency of this happening is related to putt speed, and maybe erring a little shorter when setting up putts may help. Just a guess based on what I've seen so far though.
It’s not WORTH anything to be fair.
Why are you so hell bent on defending this? I’m curious how long you’ve played the TW franchise and what settings you currently play?
I've not been defending anything. Please have a look back at what I've actually said.
Again, how long have you played the franchise and what settings do you currently play?
I play on sim with green grids off, I've got no issue with the putting, If your gonna fire your putts at the hole with pace they better be accurate. I've been playing since EA PGA Tour 1990 for whatever that's worth. Coming from Master difficulty on 2k this game was ridiculously easy before the latest patch (not much has changed) anything that can lower user scoring is welcomed by me.
@martbloke wrote:
@JGWentworthsNot in the slightest am I trolling or being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative.
Like agentputt, give examples of what you're seeing happen. Otherwise you say x% overswing or perfect and x happens means nothing. No one knows where you're placing your marker to say, "Hey, yeah you've placed the marker exactly where you should and that outcome is BS." You're saying you are putting the marker exactly where it should and the ball is blasting passed the hole without any context on where you're placing your marker. Ergo one will think you are NOT placing you marker where it should be.
I don't give a damn how long you played EA golf games for. A newbie to EA golf can tell you what seems correct and what not. He k a newbie can blow some very experienced players out the water. Who says they're newbies to gaming in general? Your comment was about this franchise. Who says they actually play proper sim golf on other golf games and irl and know better than someone who's played EA games for decades? Your point of being experienced in EA games is irrelevant to whatever issue you are raising and speaks volumes when that's all your basing it on rather than actual specifics of the issue to report to EA. You my friend are looking more like an EA troll than I am. Want something looked at or fixed by EA, show them what's wrong rather than leave them guessing. Pretty simple request.’m not showing the world my system. I’m extremely competitive and knowledge is power. I don’t need YOU to validate me and don’t care about what you think will help or not. You’re not a dev and a dev knows what I’m talking about
I’m not showing the world my system. I’m extremely competitive and knowledge is power. I don’t need YOU to validate me and don’t care about what you think will help or not. You’re not a dev and a dev knows what I’m talking about. Additionally, no matter what I post video wise, you’re the type of troll that will argue it’s improper. I’ve worked with devs, you haven’t. You don’t need video for them to understand. Jesus Christ…
noticed a lot of lip-outs today along with quite a few that lipped around the cup
and stayed out. got to be something to do with this last update
you fella's at EA may want to roll that back and look at it again and figure out a better fix.
@JGWentworths wrote:
@martbloke wrote:
@JGWentworthsNot in the slightest am I trolling or being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative.
Like agentputt, give examples of what you're seeing happen. Otherwise you say x% overswing or perfect and x happens means nothing. No one knows where you're placing your marker to say, "Hey, yeah you've placed the marker exactly where you should and that outcome is BS." You're saying you are putting the marker exactly where it should and the ball is blasting passed the hole without any context on where you're placing your marker. Ergo one will think you are NOT placing you marker where it should be.
I don't give a damn how long you played EA golf games for. A newbie to EA golf can tell you what seems correct and what not. He k a newbie can blow some very experienced players out the water. Who says they're newbies to gaming in general? Your comment was about this franchise. Who says they actually play proper sim golf on other golf games and irl and know better than someone who's played EA games for decades? Your point of being experienced in EA games is irrelevant to whatever issue you are raising and speaks volumes when that's all your basing it on rather than actual specifics of the issue to report to EA. You my friend are looking more like an EA troll than I am. Want something looked at or fixed by EA, show them what's wrong rather than leave them guessing. Pretty simple request.’m not showing the world my system. I’m extremely competitive and knowledge is power. I don’t need YOU to validate me and don’t care about what you think will help or not. You’re not a dev and a dev knows what I’m talking aboutI’m not showing the world my system. I’m extremely competitive and knowledge is power. I don’t need YOU to validate me and don’t care about what you think will help or not. You’re not a dev and a dev knows what I’m talking about. Additionally, no matter what I post video wise, you’re the type of troll that will argue it’s improper. I’ve worked with devs, you haven’t. You don’t need video for them to understand. Jesus Christ…
Your doing something wrong...
This is crazy. The fix EA just implemented improved the game challenge and realism. Before I made putts with my eyes closed. Now it’s realistic. I play golf and watch the pros on tv. There are many more lip outs than in. It’s physics. It’s fun now. Before it was an Arcady joke. You probably like shooting 10 under plus rounds which is ridiculous. This game is still too forgiving on drives hitting the fairway. It’s improved but needs work.
reverting putting would destroy this game. I’m not alone in thinking so.
For me putting is now spot on around the cup. I haven’t had any balls go over tho hole. If the ball is tracking on line it always drops. They did a great job tuning the ball physics on the green.
If there’s a disgusting bug it’s the AI golfer paired with us playing that misses tons of 2 inch putts. Sometimes they miss a two inch then a one inch follow up! And it happens many times a round. That’s the problem! It should have been fixed.