2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
@martbloke wrote:
@JGWentworthsQuite frankly, how long anyone has played the franchise is completely irrelevant. This is the game in question so whether anyone has played TW08, TW13, or any other means very little.
If you are blowing passed the hole as you say, and hitting a perfect/perfect or just a 0.1% overswing, then it's clear as day an issue with marker placement. Whether that's because things have changed with power since the update or not, you clearly need to adapt and set the marker shorter.
Now if you were to set up 1 shot and show a perfect/perfect putt goes the hole distance (aim to stop next to it) and then a slight overswing of 0.1% or close to for the exact same set up shot then goes blasting passed that spot instead of just passed it, then yeah I'd agree there's an issue. However, you are giving no context at all of the issue you speak of just that perfect/perfect and 0.1% overswing is going flying passed the hole. Without knowing if you've set the marker adequately or not, then your comments mean nothing I'm afraid. Need to evidence the issues especially if you want EA to look into it and fix it.
Of course it’s matters, you’re just being argumentative, unreasonable, and disruptive.
Someone new to video game golf or the franchise has ZERO legs to stand on. Are you joking right now lmao? You’re just being a troll with this sort or reply.
My chevron is perfectly placed, end of story. All EA needs to do is REVERT the adjustments to ball logic when putting, fixed, done, end. Lower the mishit factor and lower the chance for lip outs by 85%.
Currently 30 lip outs and 2 lip ins. It’s BROKEN.
@agentputt could you just clarify what difficulty settings you've got concerns with? I know you play (very well) on all difficulties and I'm guessing it's all of them?