2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
@SneaklerIt is not common AT ALL for a ball barely rolling to roll right through the center of the cup. I agree the cup was very receptive, but you don't come in after everyone has learned the game building up for weeks and COMPLETELY change the cup physics. Also, ball lips backwards in regards to physics. It's broken. Next are they gonna change the swing mechanics, wind effects, elevation, lies, percentages?
@iglooman__TW wrote:
@SneaklerNo, when you lose your lead in a very tightly contested online match due to a ridiculous center cup putt that would have rolled 1 foot past the hole if the hole wasn't there, you'll understand.
Exactly. When two talented players are hitting every birdy + eagle and you miss a putt to a borked mechanic and end up losing it sucks because the code it ripping a win from you.
@SneaklerI like the idea of lip outs of course, but not just throw them in willy-nilly for artificial difficulty. I do have a tip though for those who might have the "assisted aim" on. Turn it off. I used it offline as it gives you basically the perfect speed for the distance and elevation. NOT NOW. This game is close to being great but also so far away. I'm gonna drop back in a few months to see of they've added real online play and improved this cup crap.
@iglooman__TW Okay so I sense this back and forth might get ugly but let's get something straight.
Using phrases like "willy-nilly" and "artificial difficulty" make zero sense.
You like it the "IDEA" but then turn around and play both sides of the fence and state they "THREW THEM IN" and even stated why they "THREW THEM IN" to create artificial difficulty???
Maybe they were "ADDED TO THE GAME" because they weren't in the game, and they are part of real golf and not for some silly reason you gave which was artificial difficulty. It's just more difficult...there is nothing artificial about it other then the fact that it's a video game.
The problem is the specific example of a slightly overhit put rolling over the right or left 1/3 of the cup and just rolling over as if there was no cup. This is the only example that I feel they need to address. The game is punishing aggression on putts that are close to perfect incorrectly in some cases and anyone who has this as their main issue then I agree.
I was hitting overpowered aggressive putts on the outer 1/3 of the cup and they would drop every single time when there were no lip-outs and it was great and all for me...but seemed ridiculous as well. It was so easy and unrealistic.
@agentputt wrote:
@iglooman__TWApparently yes HeySteve said they are going to change Tour difficulty eventually to have the Hard swing which is quite frankly also ridiculous
Is it really totally ridiculous when currently most rarely miss a fairway unless pushing it with a power drive?
@iglooman__TW wrote:@SneaklerIt I agree the cup was very receptive, but you don't come in after everyone has learned the game building up for weeks and COMPLETELY change the cup physics. Also, ball lips backwards in regards to physics. It's broken. Next are they gonna change the swing mechanics, wind effects, elevation, lies, percentages?
Gosh you're a gem.
Did you ever consider that regardless of everyone "learning the game" that the original physics of the cup were unintended and they were sitting there like geez people are shooting -20 on Tour difficulty putting is an absolute joke for these higher level players and they wanted the game to be more realistic?
Games make changes all the time and rebalance stuff this is nothing new after people learn certain mechanics, it took me a whole 30 minutes to adjust, I didn't become trash at the game all of a sudden.
In that process of making some changes they added a ton of realism while also clearly screwing up on the putts that are rolling over the hole if hit with what is considered to by most to be an acceptable pace for a putt. Needs to be fixed.
The problem is at the beginning you're talking about the whole implementation as a fail and calling it "artificial difficulty and randomness being added" which is just in accurate. If we want to focus on the only good example of it being broken then let's do that.
Lastly, this whole next are they gonna change swings/wind/elevation etc...
Come on man, putting was a joke and super easy, it's more challenging now, they just need to fix this one issue were having. Those other things you're talking about is hysterical and over the top.
@agentputt wrote:
@SneaklerI agree with you here
I’m happy with the lip outs they just need to fix this 1 issue where it randomly goes over the hole sometimes
Yes and hopefully sooner than later.
I have putts that go to the right side of the cup. Then lip out and break further right. On left breaking putts. Their physics on the green are broken
its not just putting thats ruined, theres other aspects that are way off as well that have brought up... this game is broken from front to back