2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
@SneaklerIt is not common AT ALL for a ball barely rolling to roll right through the center of the cup. I agree the cup was very receptive, but you don't come in after everyone has learned the game building up for weeks and COMPLETELY change the cup physics. Also, ball lips backwards in regards to physics. It's broken. Next are they gonna change the swing mechanics, wind effects, elevation, lies, percentages?
@agentputt wrote:
@iglooman__TWApparently yes HeySteve said they are going to change Tour difficulty eventually to have the Hard swing which is quite frankly also ridiculous
Is it really totally ridiculous when currently most rarely miss a fairway unless pushing it with a power drive?