2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
@martbloke wrote:
@JGWentworthsNot in the slightest am I trolling or being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative.
Like agentputt, give examples of what you're seeing happen. Otherwise you say x% overswing or perfect and x happens means nothing. No one knows where you're placing your marker to say, "Hey, yeah you've placed the marker exactly where you should and that outcome is BS." You're saying you are putting the marker exactly where it should and the ball is blasting passed the hole without any context on where you're placing your marker. Ergo one will think you are NOT placing you marker where it should be.
I don't give a damn how long you played EA golf games for. A newbie to EA golf can tell you what seems correct and what not. He k a newbie can blow some very experienced players out the water. Who says they're newbies to gaming in general? Your comment was about this franchise. Who says they actually play proper sim golf on other golf games and irl and know better than someone who's played EA games for decades? Your point of being experienced in EA games is irrelevant to whatever issue you are raising and speaks volumes when that's all your basing it on rather than actual specifics of the issue to report to EA. You my friend are looking more like an EA troll than I am. Want something looked at or fixed by EA, show them what's wrong rather than leave them guessing. Pretty simple request.’m not showing the world my system. I’m extremely competitive and knowledge is power. I don’t need YOU to validate me and don’t care about what you think will help or not. You’re not a dev and a dev knows what I’m talking about
I’m not showing the world my system. I’m extremely competitive and knowledge is power. I don’t need YOU to validate me and don’t care about what you think will help or not. You’re not a dev and a dev knows what I’m talking about. Additionally, no matter what I post video wise, you’re the type of troll that will argue it’s improper. I’ve worked with devs, you haven’t. You don’t need video for them to understand. Jesus Christ…
noticed a lot of lip-outs today along with quite a few that lipped around the cup
and stayed out. got to be something to do with this last update
you fella's at EA may want to roll that back and look at it again and figure out a better fix.