2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
@SneaklerIt is not common AT ALL for a ball barely rolling to roll right through the center of the cup. I agree the cup was very receptive, but you don't come in after everyone has learned the game building up for weeks and COMPLETELY change the cup physics. Also, ball lips backwards in regards to physics. It's broken. Next are they gonna change the swing mechanics, wind effects, elevation, lies, percentages?
@iglooman__TW wrote:@SneaklerIt I agree the cup was very receptive, but you don't come in after everyone has learned the game building up for weeks and COMPLETELY change the cup physics. Also, ball lips backwards in regards to physics. It's broken. Next are they gonna change the swing mechanics, wind effects, elevation, lies, percentages?
Gosh you're a gem.
Did you ever consider that regardless of everyone "learning the game" that the original physics of the cup were unintended and they were sitting there like geez people are shooting -20 on Tour difficulty putting is an absolute joke for these higher level players and they wanted the game to be more realistic?
Games make changes all the time and rebalance stuff this is nothing new after people learn certain mechanics, it took me a whole 30 minutes to adjust, I didn't become trash at the game all of a sudden.
In that process of making some changes they added a ton of realism while also clearly screwing up on the putts that are rolling over the hole if hit with what is considered to by most to be an acceptable pace for a putt. Needs to be fixed.
The problem is at the beginning you're talking about the whole implementation as a fail and calling it "artificial difficulty and randomness being added" which is just in accurate. If we want to focus on the only good example of it being broken then let's do that.
Lastly, this whole next are they gonna change swings/wind/elevation etc...
Come on man, putting was a joke and super easy, it's more challenging now, they just need to fix this one issue were having. Those other things you're talking about is hysterical and over the top.
@agentputt wrote:
@SneaklerI agree with you here
I’m happy with the lip outs they just need to fix this 1 issue where it randomly goes over the hole sometimes
Yes and hopefully sooner than later.
@LZR_SloanerTW wrote:
@agentputtall 3 of your putts are definite misses post update. you hit em too hard. time to play softer and more break and they will lip in
Well they didn't go in, so yes they are misses post update so I can't argue with you there.
But the issue is that those are roll-over the cup with zero lip out or in.
Been being way less aggressive since the update and doing fine but yeah, I don't think those shots he shared should be not even reacting to there being a hole in the ground.
If a putt stops rolling on grass for a moment usually gravity takes over and if you want to argue that those should have hit the back rim of the cup and popped up or out then sure but those clips show a clear example of the ball having zero ground beneath it and rolling as if that isn't the case...do you disagree?
We are clear about the current meta/solution of having to play softer and more break and all there is no debate on that.
I have putts that go to the right side of the cup. Then lip out and break further right. On left breaking putts. Their physics on the green are broken
its not just putting thats ruined, theres other aspects that are way off as well that have brought up... this game is broken from front to back
I fully agree the putting is broken, but it was broken before the patch as well. Prior to the patch the ball was either in the cup or not. It was also way to receptive, balls that were hit far too hard would go into the cup.
The current patch has way too many lip outs/lip ins happening, not to mention the amount of rollovers on slow moving putts.
In my humble opinion lip ins and lip outs should only happen when the ball catches the edge of the hole, and then based on the speed of the putt we should get different results. Really slow putts drop in, slow putts lip in, medium speed putts lip out and faster putts would change direction. The hole physics should also offset slightly to the high side of the hole.
Currently it seems the area for a potential lip out is a good chunk of the hole. I don't expect to see more than one or two a round. But prior to the update almost never, after the update way to often.
So NO don't revert the putting back to where it was, but the current hole physics are not right either.