2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
@SneaklerI like the idea of lip outs of course, but not just throw them in willy-nilly for artificial difficulty. I do have a tip though for those who might have the "assisted aim" on. Turn it off. I used it offline as it gives you basically the perfect speed for the distance and elevation. NOT NOW. This game is close to being great but also so far away. I'm gonna drop back in a few months to see of they've added real online play and improved this cup crap.
@iglooman__TW wrote:@Sneakler I do have a tip though for those who might have the "assisted aim" on. Turn it off. I used it offline as it gives you basically the perfect speed for the distance and elevation. NOT NOW.
I had a few goes at the free pro tournament this morning and keeping the aim point distance as it defaulted to seemed to be working OK for me?