2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
This has to be up there with the strangest 1 I’ve seen go over the hole so far
The update is a step in a better direction but it is pretty inconsistent and a little sketchy at times. I’ve had balls stop dead as if the cup has a lip and one time a putt seemed to “bounce off” the hole. It definitely needs a little tuning for the next update.
@JGWentworths wrote:
So many roll-overs it’s insane.
I'm getting rollovers on putts that aren't fast too.
The first time my putt rolled right over the hole, I laughed. But now that it's happening every few rounds, it's very annoying.
Are people having the roll over problem playing on PC?
Im on ps5 and haven’t seen anything like this
@Ken38016220 wrote:Are people having the roll over problem playing on PC?
Im on ps5 and haven’t seen anything like this
It all comes down to how hard putts are hit I think. Err on the shorter side and you're less likely to see the directly running over the hole thing I believe. I've not see it yet either. I have seen the one bizarre bounce of the side the hole that I posted earlier in this thread though.
Putting is terrible in this game, when your putting the putterhead barely moves forward, they need to copy 2k game for putting. I've stop playing ea ,i've maxed out my player and played 2 seasons of career mode its getting boring to play.