2 years ago
Putting Ruined in Update 3.0
Guys please, revert. This update on putting is terrible. Additionally, the lip-outs are terrible. I've got 100 matches under my belt on this IP to learn the game and just getting a handle on it. I've...
@ELF014 wrote:1. Fix the ball physics... the ball rolls out way too much for mid to long irons. This would help arcade players hit their yardages... and things would feel more realistic for us sim players.
2. Tighten up the RNG, you should be rewarded for executing a good shot. Again this would only benefit the arcade player.
3. Fix the cup physics... EA may have changed them but in no way did they fix anything. You can blame the simmers... but EA does what they wants and the cup physics were broken from the start and needed to be addressed. And still does.
4. Add options to disable feature in the game... this hurts no one and only adds more functionality for those that want it.
5. Allow me to control the settings for my Private matches with individual toggles. Currently you can eirher use a preset or the room is open to whatever the players personal settings are.
6. Turn based play... I didn't even fully ask for this, I was happy if they gave us the ability to toggle to the player who had honors with a zoom function. As adults we could choose to play ready golf or turn based as in real life.
For items 1 and 3, that needs to be addressed. For item 2, I would prefer to go even farther and have option to turn on/off RNG; a slider would even be more optimal since each player can choose what fits their level. For item 4, I wished we had that a long time ago especially turning on/off RNG and lipouts. For item 5 and 6, I support extra options.
I just played the 4 holes tournament. I got 2 lip out around the hole and 1 save by the goalie where the ball lip out going away from the hole. How do you call it Paloma, Simmers Paradise? 3 of them in 4 holes. 🥳
@Katybee_1313 wrote:I just played the 4 holes tournament. I got 2 lip out around the hole and 1 save by the goalie where the ball lip out going away from the hole. How do you call it Paloma, Simmers Paradise? 3 of them in 4 holes. 🥳
I call that Simmer’s Paradise. It looks like Andrei Vasilevskiy of the Tampa Bay Lightning is making the save at the hole. In Cardi Creek, he can make a shutout at the hole.
@PalomaMarvel24Noticed how the people at the beginning of this thread are nowhere to be seen on the forums now?
The who people wanted these changes don’t even play anymore
And the people that didn’t want them still play the game
So what does that say about the people EA listen to?
@agentputt wrote:@PalomaMarvel24Noticed how the people at the beginning of this thread are nowhere to be seen on the forums now?
The who people wanted these changes don’t even play anymore
And the people that didn’t want them still play the game
So what does that say about the people EA listen to?
It looks like the people who wanted the change left dodge maybe because they realized they messed up. One of them posted back in July complaining about the lipout physics they once championed. He has not appeared in forum since. Looks like Robert De Niro would them “I gave you a chance and you blew it…you blew it!” That was one of his quotes in the movie Copland.
As someone who predominately plays Sim online match play matches. I do agree the lip outs are an issue. I have seen too many lip outs on putts with speed that was very slow and putt should have been holed. There is a reasonable solution that would benefit players from arcade through sim. Change the coding so the amount of skill points applied to putting actually have an affect on lip out reduction. I have re-specc'd and placed max skill points into putting. I played a lot of matches and noticed I had the same amount of lip outs as when I had no points in putting. So there is no reason to have any points in putting for a Sim player, especially since putting grid is already off. This would be a great way to include more options/choice for where to apply skill points for all difficulty levels.