Forum Discussion
62 Replies
No, as above, I haven't seen EA address the lack of a replay function at all.
It's sad, because I enjoy how the game plays, and from what I'm reading on here most are enjoying the game, but some of the omissions from the game are just hard to phathom.
I hope if we keep making enough noise about it on here, EA will realise their mistake and patch it soon.
Driving range at each course and instant replay already!
A green with bunkers for practice sand shots would be nice, too or even for practicing runners
Is this the first EA PGA game without replays? Bordering on criminal. Get ya finger out guys.
@Kamackeris wrote:
@Rusty_B_175Has anyone from ea acknowledged why the game has not replays? Is it going to be patched in? It's 2023 and a sports title not having replays is unacceptableTotally agree, replay of shots needs to be added!
I came to the forum, sure that I'd missed how to access the replays. Wouldn't have even crossed my mind to check for a replay feature before buying. Luckily I'm within my two hour Steam refund window!
I think if I had the choice between adding turn based online modes and replay, it’d be the former
Every game system in the modern era has the ability to record your footage
This is a completely unnecessary feature and would waste resources
I agree with the ability for most systems to have a capture system
Replay system is irrelevant
60 fps? ok, but add REPLAYS
Surely 60 fps will be useful to have REPLAYS, rotate camera, change angle and so on.
Please give possibility to rotate cam up and down too, because is impossible to see the BLUE LINE from the hole point of view.
Replay system and screen capture are 2 completely different things..
I don't need to capture and save my gameplay footage, i want the game to show me spectacular shots again from different camera angels, you know like EA Tiger Woods 2003 did, and 2004, and 2005, and so on.. Yea my first experience in playing golf games reaches further back than your birth date most likely, so what?
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