Forum Discussion
@packattack04082 Smaller tournament fields on PC make it incredibly difficult to maintain a large stockpile of tickets. Basically if you don't shoot the winning score or within one of that score your not getting the winner payout. Combine the difficulty in shooting those scores day in and day out with the fact that on PC we really don't have anything better to do than play tournaments due to the fact that getting an online ranked game may take an hour or more. @Mark_Miwurdz The goal is and always will be too shoot low scores not to have a stockpile of tickets and coins.
- 12 months ago
I got the 'win' reward on the Weekly pro... not complaining because I should have been somewhere in the region of 'ranked'. Lolwhat1234... you sir are a freak of nature with the scores that you post (and I mean that in the nicest way possible)
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