Forum Discussion
@Midnght_Mrauder1@EA_Illium I just lost my weekly pro and arcade for the 2nd time. Please EA, can you fix this glitch. I don't know if I'll bother playing a 3rd time or not. There are still 3 days left too so I'm waiting til Monday to even consider trying again. I would be happier if they just simply shut down tournaments until this bug is fixed.
This is getting embarrassing. It's fine though, if they don't say anything about it then obviously the problem doesn't exist.
- 12 months ago@lolwhat1234 What bothers me most is that they have the capability of fixing this issue without updating the game itself. Tournaments had been working fine for over 45 days this season until the bug started so it's gotta be something do do with EA servers that is causing the issue. It can't be that hard to figure out what is causing it and apply some kind of fix in the EA servers. It truly feels to me like every single developer has been taken off of this game at this point.
- 12 months ago
You're probably right, yeah. My EA Play Pro yearly sub expires at the end of the month so that's good timing I suppose. This game was fun while it lasted.
- 12 months ago
How many EA developers does it take to change a light bulb ?
Doesn't matter, cos even if they knew what a light bulb was they wouldn't have a clue what to do with it.
- Katybee_131312 months agoSeasoned Ace
They should either shut off those tournaments, or made them no entry fee so users stopped wasting their tickets and coins. If it was some kind of server security patch, it could take forever to fix.
- PalomaMarvel2412 months agoSeasoned Ace
@Katybee_1313 wrote:They should either shut off those tournaments, or made them no entry fee so users stopped wasting their tickets and coins. If it was some kind of server security patch, it could take forever to fix.
Shutting down the tournaments or having no entry fees can be done given the limited resources and devs in this game. This makes more sense at this point. The glitch is similar to playing a defective slot machine in Vegas. The only difference is that casino administrators in Vegas immediately shut down the defective slot machines.
- 12 months ago
Played weekly arcade last night,and today, my score wiped out along with one of the three dailies I played last night..same thing different day.
- mostoaus12 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Submitting a new support case every time the support at help-ea-com simply closes my cases and marks them as “fixed” without any sort of communication whatsoever. Real classy EA.
Meanwhile, you can still spend your Tickets on tournaments which don’t count, and you can still buy Tickets with Real money. There’s theft, there’s fraud, and then there’s EA.
EA, any kind of communication, in any form you could possibly care to imagine, would be truly awesome right about now.
- 12 months ago
If a tree fell within Ea's golf dev studio, would anyone hear it.
- 12 months ago
Weekly Tour will get wiped tomorrow is my guess. I guess we wait until the last minute to replay and hope that the arcade weekly counts the next day. I am beginning to think this is a duel server backup issue involving rotating set days for the save states of the tournaments. If they reset the servers they may lose ALL the tournaments saved data and that may be why they are hesitant to do a "hot fix".
- Katybee_131312 months agoSeasoned Ace
I wasted a few tickets a while ago on Arcade just to see everything erased, but this is getting really wild for those hoping it's going to be fixed. Please stop the bleeding for those not knowing better than to keep going and wasting their tickets and coins.
- 12 months ago
Seasonal Pro and Daily 9 (pro) gone today.
- Mark_Miwurdz12 months agoSeasoned Ace
- Mark_Miwurdz12 months agoSeasoned Ace
I see it on Xbox.
- 12 months ago
@Mark_Miwurdz wrote:Platform?
Same thing happens on every platform at the same time.
- -Roasted513-12 months agoSeasoned Ace@lolwhat1234 daily 9 for me (3/16-3/17/24) again..... nice job -EA- ripping people off.....
- 12 months ago@lolwhat1234 Even though I've had the dailies get erased, every single time I still got 'Winner' on them. I don't know if that's just lucky or not. On PS5, they still seem to calculate the brackets properly even when the dailies get erased.
- 12 months ago
@packattack04082 wrote:
@lolwhat1234Even though I've had the dailies get erased, every single time I still got 'Winner' on them. I don't know if that's just lucky or not. On PS5, they still seem to calculate the brackets properly even when the dailies get erased.Daily 4 seems to give rewards but Daily 9 always gives missed rank and no rewards (on pc).
- 12 months ago@lolwhat1234 That's unfortunate. I'm glad that hasn't happened to me on PS5 yet.
@EA_Illium Can you please let us know something about this issue. Every day that it goes on, the compensation required for players is getting higher and higher. Also, please send one of those messages in the game that notifies all players about this bug and give us advice on how to proceed until it's fixed. Thank you. - Katybee_131312 months agoSeasoned Ace
The Players is done, this pro-pass ends in 2 weeks, no news for the future of this game, leaderboards are not getting fixed... it doesn't look good. It's starting to look like EA Rory.
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