Forum Discussion
I think it's becoming obvious they're unable to fix it, something in the server caused the bug. Probably a server update, like in another game I played where we were all unable to renew the terms of service, we were caught in a loop. We ended up accepting the terms of service on another EA game to access the server and to play the game as usual.
For what it's worth, there's probably more chance of this leaderboard issues to be resolved, than I have chance to one day play this game without those ugly black socks.
- Katybee_131311 months agoSeasoned Ace
I'm sure it would have been fixed a long time ago if it was just an easy fix. Or at least, fix in this last patch. At this point, it's up to all of us if it's worth the aggravation to continue to play those tournaments.
- PalomaMarvel2411 months agoSeasoned Ace
@Katybee_1313 wrote:For what it's worth, there's probably more chance of this leaderboard issues to be resolved, than I have chance to one day play this game without those ugly black socks.
Hoping the leaderboard issue gets resolved. Adding cowboy boots or the Nelly Korda shoes with her socks in the store could be a fix for the ugly black socks.
- Katybee_131311 months agoSeasoned Ace
Not only they can't fix that bug, it looks like it's spreading and only going to get worse.
- PalomaMarvel2411 months agoSeasoned Ace
@Katybee_1313 wrote:Not only they can't fix that bug, it looks like it's spreading and only going to get worse.
The best solution for now is to shut down the tournaments until they fix it. This is one way to make sure no pays tickets for a defective tournament. It is sad that these tickets could be purchased using real money. Games like MLB the Show 24, NBA 2K24 or UFC 5 shut down their virtual currency making modes when server issues occur.
- 11 months ago@PalomaMarvel24 I agree. I'm almost tempted to buy $100 of currency and use it for tickets and then spend those tickets on tournaments that don't count and then ask EA for help. See what happens when they see someone lose 100 bucks of real money from this glitch.
- Katybee_131311 months agoSeasoned Ace
@packattack04082, please don't do that. At this point, it's obvious they can't fix this problem, and they don't seem to care for those accro on their standing in the game with the tournaments. The game is broken, and it's just not for tournaments either.
- 11 months ago@Katybee_1313 This might be the only way to get the attention of EA. If someone loses a significant amount of real money, maybe they'll finally either fix the issue or put a hold on tournaments until they fix it. I'm sick of waiting for them to address this.
- SlimDown5711 months agoSeasoned Ace@Katybee_1313 After 10 pages its seems like people would just stop playing tournaments until there fixed. I only play quick play or carrier and have no problems you guys speak of.
- 11 months ago@SlimDown57 Tournaments are the only viable way to earn gold currency so that is why most people play the weekly and seasonal tournaments. Career mode grew old for me after 2 seasons so it's a shame that one of the better modes has been in such a bad state for over a full month.
- PalomaMarvel2411 months agoSeasoned Ace
@packattack04082 wrote:
@PalomaMarvel24I agree. I'm almost tempted to buy $100 of currency and use it for tickets and then spend those tickets on tournaments that don't count and then ask EA for help. See what happens when they see someone lose 100 bucks of real money from this glitch.By the way, I would not recommend you do this. I actually had to deal with EA Customer service when I was unable to redeem a $25 code I paid from Gamestop for VC for EA UFC 5. Gamestop told me to contact EA, and EA told me that this was a Gamestop issue. Gamestop eventually gave me store credit. This is like when one team goes offsides and points the other team went offsides instead.
- PalomaMarvel2411 months agoSeasoned Ace
@packattack04082 wrote:
@Katybee_1313This might be the only way to get the attention of EA. If someone loses a significant amount of real money, maybe they'll finally either fix the issue or put a hold on tournaments until they fix it. I'm sick of waiting for them to address this.This will unlikely get their attention if the customer service rep is outsourced. When I made that complaint for the UFC 5 VC issue, I kept getting put to other reps instead until they said it was a Gamestop problem.
If you actually get a response from a representative from California, you might be able to get their attention. I had an issue after purchasing the Valentina Shevchenko emote from the UFC 5 store. In this case, an EA rep from California responded and quickly fixed the issue. Since that point, all items purchased from the UFC store became readily available.
This is a luck of the draw depending who responds to your issue.
- 11 months ago
It was bound to happen eventually - seasonal sim scores gone. Was holding my entries for that till the last day anyway but there were a good number of scores already on the leaderboard.
- 11 months ago
@lolwhat1234Same here. I wont try it til the end probably. On the Weekly Sim, there were over 60 entries on PS5 already with -16 I believe leading score, but now -8 is in 1st, lol. The seasonal sim already had probably 200+ entries and now they're all wiped.
- -Roasted513-11 months agoSeasoned Ace
twice now this week at least I haven't been paid for the 9 hole, once on the 6 hole so I've lost at least 5k coins and 25 tickets, great job ea getting on a "fix" for this
what are we, 6+ weeks on this now and not even a response from you (-EA-)
- PalomaMarvel2411 months agoSeasoned Ace
@-Roasted513- wrote:twice now this week at least I haven't been paid for the 9 hole, once on the 6 hole so I've lost at least 5k coins and 25 tickets, great job ea getting on a "fix" for this
what are we, 6+ weeks on this now and not even a response from you (-EA-)
The tournaments should be shut down at this point until they get fixed. To lose 5K coins and 25 tickets for six weeks of scores being wiped out similar to Thanos having all the infinity stones is totally unacceptable. Where is Iron Man when you need him…lol? This issue needs an Endgame and Fix. I am happy I am not playing this game and wasting money for tickets.
- 11 months ago
My scores are no longer showing for the Seasonal tournament on Pro and the Weekly tournament on Arcade. Amazing this is still going on with no comment or potential resolution in sight.
- Katybee_131311 months agoSeasoned Ace
They should all be free to enter until it's fixed.
- PalomaMarvel2411 months agoSeasoned Ace
@Katybee_1313 wrote:They should all be free to enter until it's fixed.
That would even be better. At least no coins or tickets are wasted when scores and winnings are wiped out. If this was 6 weeks ago, it might have shown up on Update 11. Maybe that update can be renamed the Apocalyptic Update 11.
- 11 months ago
@EA_IlliumAny update here yet? I'm trying to decide whether it's worth supporting this game anymore or not. If these are going to remain unfixed, I'd just like to know so that I longer waste my time playing a broken game mode. I've lost over 400 tickets already, which costs 400 real USD. How do you get a refund for this?
- 11 months ago
I second Packattack's request for an update, as there has been other than on maybe two occasions Moderator you telling us the issue has been passed on to the developers, and when the issue started you from the belieive or not category asked us to provide you specific information on the problem that if the game developers logged into the game to see what was happening to disapearing tourn scores would be as obvious as the sun rising in the east. If they are not going to do anything to fix the problem, then just level with the community...ty.
- 11 months ago
EA_illium, any word back yet from the dev.s.We are going to keep inquiring, as we have the right to do, about this game problem.
- -Roasted513-11 months agoSeasoned Ace
I'm sick of losing coins and tickets from this.
YOU! -EA- are costing people
- Katybee_131311 months agoSeasoned Ace
I'm not holding my breath, there's more chance EA totally abandoned the game like they did EA Rory than giving us compensation. There's not much money for them to be made with this game anymore.
- 11 months ago@Katybee_1313 What they did is wrong and I hope that they'll do the right thing. It costs them nothing to give back what was lost. Plus, they already lied last summer when they said they'd compensate for a tournament glitch that was taking people's money and then not allowing them to play the tournament. I'll post in here weekly until I get some kind of response if I have to.
- 11 months ago
FIrst of all and most importantly, it does appear this persistent two month old bug is fixed. Would be nice for EA rep here to tell us that officially, but communication from EA on this issue in particular has been to be kind- virtually non existent. As far as compensation, that would be a huge haul on their part, where would we not want their time spent on other fixes or more courses or legendary players etc...everyone was effected differently based on frequency of play in the tourneys, so personally, I don't care about that at this point, but I get why many would want that to happen.
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