Forum Discussion
@EA_Illium EA promised compensation for lost gold and tickets last summer from a tournament glitch and never did gave out anything. Can we get some kind of word on how players will be compensated for $400-500+ worth of tickets and gold for tournaments being glitched for almost 2 full months. EA charges 1 dollar per ticket if you want to buy them with real money and I've lost 400-500+ tickets so far. Given that this equates to upwards of $500, I am just wondering how EA plans to compensate players for losing this much. If EA had made some kind of statement or closed tournaments during this glitched period, there wouldn't be a huge issue but instead, we've been given no recommended action on how to proceed this entire time. It's not good for a company to lie and promise compensation and then never deliver it, but I hope that we'll get an update here soon.
Is this 'fixed' yet? I've stopped playing every tournament but it feels like we've had a few days in a row now without losing scores.
- 11 months ago@lolwhat1234 I've noticed the same thing. The last 2 or 3 days, I haven't seen any glitched dailies and I haven't seen the weekly or seasonal erase any scores in the past 2-3 days as well. That is why I was asking about compensation now. I just think that EA wants to slide this whole thing under the rug and act like it never happened but $500 worth of lost tickets when translated to real currency is a lot and they definitely owe every player for having to deal with this for almost 2 full months.
- 11 months ago
Test will be in next two days if tourn scores erased; I agree, they don't seem to have been in last two days. If the problem has been fixed, we should be told here about it. Personally, thougth I get others opinions on it, I don't care if we do not get compensated with tickets etc for what has happened, just want the issue fixed.
- 11 months ago
@jack2k65,@EA_Illium I agree that I want it to be fixed too. However, it's simply a matter of principal for me though as far as the compensation is concerned. They let an issue persist for 2 months without explaining anything about it. They charged $1 per ticket as a microtransaction and I have no sympathy for them having to simply give back what people lost. If I wanted to get back the tickets that I lost because of the glitch, I'd have to pay $500 of real money. It costs them nothing to give back the tickets that they stole from us and that's why I expect them to compensate for this glitch fairly.
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