Forum Discussion
They should all be free to enter until it's fixed.
I'm not holding my breath, there's more chance EA totally abandoned the game like they did EA Rory than giving us compensation. There's not much money for them to be made with this game anymore.
- 11 months ago@Katybee_1313 What they did is wrong and I hope that they'll do the right thing. It costs them nothing to give back what was lost. Plus, they already lied last summer when they said they'd compensate for a tournament glitch that was taking people's money and then not allowing them to play the tournament. I'll post in here weekly until I get some kind of response if I have to.
- 11 months ago
FIrst of all and most importantly, it does appear this persistent two month old bug is fixed. Would be nice for EA rep here to tell us that officially, but communication from EA on this issue in particular has been to be kind- virtually non existent. As far as compensation, that would be a huge haul on their part, where would we not want their time spent on other fixes or more courses or legendary players etc...everyone was effected differently based on frequency of play in the tourneys, so personally, I don't care about that at this point, but I get why many would want that to happen.
- 11 months ago@jack2k65 It wouldn't be hard to give out 500 tickets and 250,000 gold to every player. It costs them 0$ to do that.
- wirenut4811 months agoNew Traveler
Think the problem is they also would have no record of who played what if the data was wiped like it was.
- 11 months ago
@wirenut48It's their responsibility and their liability. If they didn't want to worry about this, all they had to do was close tournaments until the glitch fixed and there would have been no problem. Instead, they chose to let people lose hundreds of tickets and lots of gold for 2 full months.
- SlimDown5711 months agoSeasoned Ace
@packattack04082Think about it when you figured out there was a problem you didn't stop playing. In stead of minimizing your loss you continued playing and loosing.
- 11 months ago
@SlimDown57In order to stay in 1st place, you have to keep playing every tournament. You can't just stop playing for 2 months and let everyone pass you on the leaderboard. It wasn't my choice to let tournaments go while a glitch persisted. That was EA's choice alone.
I also explicitly asked EA for advice on how to proceed while the glitch was going on (several times actually) and @EA_Illium provided no response other than to say that the issue was passed on to the development team. The entire situation could have been avoided but no one cared to do the smart and ethical thing. Now it's time to for EA to pay up. Simple as that, case closed!
- SlimDown5711 months agoSeasoned Ace@packattack04082 You let your Ego drag you down the rabbit hole. Have you read the EULA I'm sure EA have protected them self's.
- 11 months ago@SlimDown57 Playing the game competitively isn't an 'ego thing'. I'm sorry that you don't see things clearly, but I'm done talking with you about this issue. Best of luck to you.
- 11 months ago
@wirenut48 wrote:Think the problem is they also would have no record of who played what if the data was wiped like it was.
Every database transaction is logged separately. They know. They're just putting as little effort into placating people as they did into fixing it in the first place.
- 11 months ago@lolwhat1234 You are right. They definitely know and it's mind boggling to me that there are people in this topic who are actually defending EA in this situation. It's very telling to me that @EA_Illium said that he'd update this topic when he has information and even though the issue has been fixed for over a week, there still hasn't even been a post from him about it. Basically, if EA doesn't respond here,' the issue never happened' must be their philosophy.
- 10 months ago
@EA_IlliumI'm still waiting for an official response for compensation for $400 worth of lost tickets during this 6 week glitch. Please let us know when a statement will be issued. Thanks.
- Mark_Miwurdz10 months agoSeasoned Ace
Are you hoping to get in game tickets or real money? I'm guessing you'd need to show proof of actual spending (or they'd know looking at their systems) if it was the second.
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