Forum Discussion
@CkYMaximusThis has been making the rounds on facebook. I saw it in a thread for F1 23. The original is an image file, but these are the contents, supposedly by an ex-EA employee...
"Funny story. When I worked at EA, bugs got categorized by severity: A was gamebreaking, B was a major annoyance to the user, C was noticeable but you could get passed it, and D was minor, not likely to be seen or cared about. Nearly all D bugs are ignored, unless something else happens to fix them. As a project gets closer and closer to completion, more severe bugs are ignored. By the last two weeks only A bugs get fixed. Even B bugs are shipped. The fun part is that when they start the next year's game (fifa 2023, need for speed whatever), they port all the old code and just update the graphics. Meaning they bring in ALL the old bugs. One of the first things they do before beginning work is fix any lingering A and B bugs, but NOT C or D bugs. During development of the NEW version of the game, whenever you find a bug, you have to first check if it was in old versions. If it was, and it's set to known shippable, you have to ignore it. The logic is this: "It wasn't a priority to fix it last year, so it's obviously not that big a problem, so we Can ignore it this year." Repeat that for 4 or 5 years, and you end up with a game that's 90% bugs that are known to the developers but also shipped on purpose."
Just something to keep in mind. It's probably wise to keep those expectations in check. It certainly rings true, based on my years of experience as a sucker --I mean-- EA Customer.
@Catphish37one possible distinction here is we don't yet know PGA Tour is intended to follow an annual release schedule. Note it's not named PGA Tour 23.
- 2 years ago@Ultrasonic_77 Fair enough but, as far as I can remember, no EA Sports title ever had a year assigned to it on its inaugural release. And, since they all have had years assigned starting with the sophomore release (including past PGA games), there's no logical reason to think this PGA will be any different.
- Ultrasonic_772 years agoHero
@Catphish37 wrote:
@Ultrasonic_77Fair enough but, as far as I can remember, no EA Sports title ever had a year assigned to it on its inaugural release. And, since they all have had years assigned starting with the sophomore release (including past PGA games), there's no logical reason to think this PGA will be any different.My guess would be it may end up being annual too.
I'm very familiar with the F1 games btw. They're the reason I'm on this forum in the first place. If you want to draw a parallel we are currently a VERY long way off the point where they'd give up updating the current game plus I'm sure EA will be more keen to develop this current game if they do want to turn it into an annual franchise. I also don't think the notion of prioritising bug fixes based on severity and impact is remotely surprising or shocking. It's totally logical and what I'm sure we'd all want given that simply fixing everything immediately isn't realistic.
- 2 years ago@Ultrasonic_77 At face value, regarding the bugs, I would agree. Obviously, things need to be prioritized, and not everything can be touched. However, when I play modern Madden and see glitches and AI bugs that existed *20 years ago*, I think we can agree that we're talking about something a little more systemic. Also, full disclosure, I'm presently in full 'pissed off / scorned customer' mode. I won't waste your time with the minutiae but, suffice it to say, I was burned by F1 and FIFA in a big way last year, and I'm seeing the same crap with PGA, though maybe not *quite* as bad as those other games.
Ultimately, I want to see PGA developed to its potential. I love golf games, and TW12-14 are my all-time favorites. So I'm a little passionate about this. But, I'm sick and tired of the half-* efforts by EA lately, and I guess I'm airing it out while I still can because, if it's not tidied up by July, when my PlayPro sub runs out, I think I'm about done with all of it. Permanently.
There's only so much abuse I can take.
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