Forum Discussion
April 20th was our last patch. Did they give up on the game already? it would be nice if the developers would give us a heads up on what they are working on. Like a ROADMAP.
- 2 years ago
You mean 2 weeks. and what and where did they say? What they are adding/fixing?
- 2 years ago@CkYMaximus In the patch note post on the website they are saying what they expect to work on. Tell me you are joking because to say that 2 weeks between update is too long .. Men learn to be patient.
- 2 years ago
The sad part is, when a game is brand new, their population is at it's highest.
I am sure you know that depending on the game, anywhere from 40% to 75% of the population stop playing the game after a month or some cases 80-90% vanish.
If people go what the hell is this nonsense and put the game down and never come back, the game dies...has 3,000 active players within 6 months. Company stops supporting game because there is money to be made elsewhere.
Part of my issue is because I want this game to be successful to be honest.
So call for patience all you want, but if they are in fact finding it this difficult to add turn based within two weeks when it's already in the game offline....this isn't good. Patience on their part is only going to kill the population.
- 2 years ago
It is one thing to call for patience...and stop there.
But he literally said April 20th was the patch. Making your "it doesn't take 2 days to add a new feature" comment ridiculous.
The stuff in the previous patch such as 3 click swing for example...90% of the community doesn't care about this and can make the argument that there have been zero updates.
People want turn-based play, more competitive modes, and a more expansive store that seems to be on a repeating loop of the same 50 items with no ability to browse. Announcing that you may or may not address these things vaguely while also not giving anything even close to a timeline is just sloppy. People expect more then vague commitments about adding features to a game that is from a major company and not some fringe developer.
It's simple, a general estimate of what's coming and approximately when even if they just said Summer it would be a soft deadline and some expectations.
To give an example - This is what they wrote -
Online Game Formats
We will be providing updates to online game formats in the live service window. We’ll share more details about these game formats in the future, but we want to assure you that the team has heard the feedback and is working hard to bring you more online choices.
What in the world does "in the live service window" mean and they make no mention of the most talked about feature of not having the option to watch your opponent shoot in a turn-based format. The amount of people on reddit who are stunned at this not being an option are off the charts. Been in every game since the year 2000.
- 2 years ago@Sneakler I'm sure you can understand that my "2 days" was an exageration and I know some people need new feature to the game, but you cannot said after 2 weeks : Common EA what are you doing ... this is absurd.
- 2 years ago@Mickstudio1308 They have the features for local. How hard is it to transfer to online modes?
- 2 years ago@Sneakler Well said. Imagine the game was supposed to release last year! It got delayed for a whole year. How stripped down would that have been? probably like 3 courses and 2 faces to pick lol
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