@agentputt1- I don't play ranked but they should have something for all levels of play. With a way to handicap play to control sandbaggers.
2 - Totally agree that turn based online is needed. But I would be happy if they gave me the ability to zoom in with the current cameras currently available. Just allow me access to them before I putt out. We can illicit our own turn based play this way.
3- I have stated that I have no issue with RNG, in fact I think it should be a part of the game. Just not to extent it is used in this game. In many instances the dispersion zones are too large. AND... user input doesn't seem to impact your swing as much as it should. User input should dictate where the ball goes, and a measured amount of RNG to find it's final resting point.
4 - Agree crossplay would help grow a community, however... different environments will have an advantage. (ie. I don't know, but understand that a PS5 controller is better than an XBox one for gameplay)
5 - Agreed, the rewards should be spread out a little more generously on the low end.
6 - I will take your word for this. I would hope it was based on winning percentage, with a multiplier for number of games played and level of competition.
7 - Better than it was, but still needs some tuning. But then so does the ball physics in general. I don't want to be able to stick flop shots from the rough where grass would be between the ball and my club face. If a 5-iron cannot hold a green and will roll through the length of the green, through 10 yards of rough up a hill into a sandtrap. Then I expect a 5-iron that lands on the fairway (shorter grass, than the rough), should run onto the green and not just check and stop.
There are a lot of things that are questionable, and makes you wonder what the thought process was in making them.