6 years ago
Players keep on bemoaning the lack of costumes in the store, i accidentally created a new profile that is costume free so i will post the daily costumes. I'm in the UK🇬🇧 and would like to point ou...
@MortStella Maybe we can go through the plants and count the costumes we have! I want to have all costumes, too xD
Sunflower 0
Peashooter 0
Wall-nut 0
Potato-Mine 2
Bloomerang 2
Cabbage-pult 3
Iceberg Lettuce 2 (I'm missing those two: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/plantsvszombies/images/3/3c/CostumePartyIcebergLettuce.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180309091902)
Grave Buster 3
Twin Sunflower 3
Bonk Choy 5
Repeater 4
Let me know if you have different numbers. Next world tomorrow 👀