You can have multiple users on the same machine this way (appears to work)
With internet connection
1. Create a profile.
2. (do something to make the profile to be backup online) I'm not sure about the exact details of this step. Try playing some Battlez.
3. Turn off internet connection.
4. Delete the account. (I'm not sure about this step. You may have to delete the No_Backup folder. See method 2 below for details)
5. Create a new one with different name.
6. Exit PvZ2.
7. Turn on internet connection.
8. Hope that your old account will be restored as PvZ2 connect to the Internet.
I would appreciate it if somebody can figure out the details of step "2." above. I don't have a new device to test it.
Without internet connection
1. Go to Android/data/ folder.
2. Backup the No_Backup folder and delete the old folder.
3. Create a new account.
4. Whenever you need to switch accounts, just swap the backup version and the actual version. Basically each user have their own No_Backup folder.
Warning: ALWAYS exit PvZ2 completely (including clear the cache) before switching the No_Backup folder. As PvZ2 saves data automatically on exit you may lose some data.