In my over 3 years of playing the game EA has sometimes removed the add profiles feature then put it back in various updates.
At the moment it has been removed, nobody knows why because EA never explains their decisions.
At one stage if you did a reinstall the game added another profile automatically (it doesn't do it now) and I deleted hundreds.
I currently use 4 and have a couple I managed to generate accidentally, which is possible.
There might be a faint chance of getting your deleted profiles back, if you tap HELP at the bottom of the page and make a missing content report.
Explain your situation and provide your player id number and they might still have them in their backup servers and as they have administrative access they may be able to restore them.
Regrettably their service has been sub par recently, I suspect due to covid (I think they're an indian call center).
Be polite and respectful let us know how you get on.
If you haven't already sign up to EA's email registration scheme and keep a screenshot of your player id safe.