5 years ago
Penny's Pursuit
Here a link on everything you need to know about Penny's Pursuit. Luckily, the Perks are reset every week, so we don't have to keep them at level 1 for our level 1 profile. https://www.ea.com/games/...
Nope. Update is not in my store (southern U.S.).
We must save the irreplaceable costume collection of @PowerToss and @Perfume-shroom92. Must hide under her bed until the update goes away!
Perhaps we could sacrifice @HenryThePear or @linuxPigPen to the update?
@PowerToss already fell on that sword !
May he rest in perpetual peace and harmony with Penny.
EDIT: 7.9.x update available for my Android S7 (Austin TX)
FYI: I updated the game and everything worked fine. Still have all my profiles, currency, plants, costumes and Arena Rank.
I'm coming for you Dr. Zomboss!!! Easy difficulty is easy!
so were the gladiators
Now I'm already out of fuel! Dang it!
Little shroom hides under the bed~~~ update is available on my devices too.... maybe i should enter arena and claim my reward first... if i can~~~ other than powertoss, have anyone else got the update?
@linuxPigPen I played the 3 levels and then I ran out of fuel. You get one fuel every ~30min but you need 5 to start a level. I don't know if you can watch unlimited ads to get more full (my ads are limited to ~12 per day and I'm already out of ads) :/
I invested some gems to fight the Zomboss. The good news is you can battle him three times right away! The first one was easy!
Now he is "out for lunch"! This is what you get for stealing my Hot Date seed packets!!!!!!
3 Zomboss battles for 6k coins and 30 seeds ?
This guy!...My ZPS is already at 100%+ and he is still "out to lunch"! Trust me, I'll be ready when he comes back!
For anyone that hasn't update yet.... forced update is now available..... i have yet to play my last free play...ok, to backup i go....
"forced update available" (if I wish to continue Arena of course)
same for me on one device so most likely both devices tomorrow !!
at least I collected the 6 GEMs today before having to make a choice