5 years ago
Penny's Pursuit
Here a link on everything you need to know about Penny's Pursuit. Luckily, the Perks are reset every week, so we don't have to keep them at level 1 for our level 1 profile. https://www.ea.com/games/...
Now he is "out for lunch"! This is what you get for stealing my Hot Date seed packets!!!!!!
3 Zomboss battles for 6k coins and 30 seeds ?
This guy!...My ZPS is already at 100%+ and he is still "out to lunch"! Trust me, I'll be ready when he comes back!
For anyone that hasn't update yet.... forced update is now available..... i have yet to play my last free play...ok, to backup i go....
"forced update available" (if I wish to continue Arena of course)
same for me on one device so most likely both devices tomorrow !!
at least I collected the 6 GEMs today before having to make a choice