5 years ago
Penny's Pursuit
Here a link on everything you need to know about Penny's Pursuit. Luckily, the Perks are reset every week, so we don't have to keep them at level 1 for our level 1 profile. https://www.ea.com/games/...
Don't know if it was because it was early in the morning. Don't know if it's because I'm out of chocolate for my coffee. Don't know if it's because I'm craving a more laid back lifestyle. Whatever. Zomboss Extra Spicy is more than my poor old head can handle. Jayzeus. I lasted 2 minutes only because of tossing. Have no clue if I depleted even one life bar. That crap is just faster than I can process. NO MAS!
@linuxPigPen wrote:Don't know if it was because it was early in the morning. Don't know if it's because I'm out of chocolate for my coffee. Don't know if it's because I'm craving a more laid back lifestyle. Whatever. Zomboss Extra Spicy is more than my poor old head can handle. Jayzeus. I lasted 2 minutes only because of tossing. Have no clue if I depleted even one life bar. That crap is just faster than I can process. NO MAS!
What really makes it pure insane is the zombie toughness. If I guess it right, the normal zombie in extra spicy difficulty health is multiplied by 10x times the health the normal zombie has! Pretty sure this goes for the eating damage, too. So a normal zombie can drill into your defenses easily! So, if you don't have at LEAST ONE insta-kill in extra spicy levels then R.I.P. I managed to deplete 10 bars in extra spicy zomboss battle and only used power toss once. 😉