2 years ago
We deserve better than this.
I am thoroughly disappointed with PvZ3, and it doesn't seem like PopCap even marginally cares. You probably know me already, I'm RCCH and I post Plants vs Zombies videos on YouTube. And to be honest ...
Yeah thats about it. EA, You really need to listen to everyone in the community or you really are just going to kill the franchise with this game.
The main problems I can say so far:
No control. You cannot choose your plants, You cannot stall because zombies just keep coming anyway, You cannot choose to activate the Grape power (OR control where it fires, Though that is a lesser issue since it is *generally* smart). You have very little control over how the games go beyond Pay2Win powerups
Agree, though qt least for now the pay2win is tame, much more than in PvZ 2
At least up until level 20 (where i'm at) many levels reward you with the power, and it also is a way to nerf cherry bomb, although I woundn't like to run out of them eventually if it is decided to make them more scarse. Not that I'm in need of them, the levels have been easy so far, wich is to be expected.
Some controll I'd also like is to replay levels, that was a very good change from PvZ 1 to Pvz 2