Forum Discussion
13 Replies
G&G Zombie side cleans house! (it's been buggy for a few days but it seems to be stable on one map for most of us) Just play to the objective, rez and get kills. I mean you can do well getting kill streaks, very well! But it's not everything, capturing objectives and rezing your fellow zombies has a nice payout! Even the plants do okay after a loss. about 6k on average for me, and an average of about 12-15k as zombies.
- Anonymous11 years ago
To get fast cash, I usually play Gardens and Graveyards. If on zombies's team, you can earn 9,000-15,000 a game if played correctly. The problem is that Gardens and Graveyards games take time.
- Anonymous11 years agoZombies on G&G pays out ridiculously more than anything else.. The payout needs balancing somehow in my opinion because the plants are almost always massively out numbered because of this.
If you're better than average and are able to consistently top leaderboards and maintain kill streaks, the fastest coin to be made is definitely Team Vanquish. An entire game is over within the same amount of time as a 6 minute objective on GnG, racking in upwards of 1000 coins per minute; sometimes even as high as 1500. Not one side will win anymore than the other in Team Vanquish, as the payouts don't appear as one sided.
But if you're interested in payouts of large amounts and aren't as skillfully inclined as others, definitely Gardens and Graveyards is your best bet. A player on the winning team doesn't have to even be close to top of the charts to get a nice reward for completing the game.
@OverclockdToastr wrote:If you're better than average and are able to consistently top leaderboards and maintain kill streaks, the fastest coin to be made is definitely Team Vanquish. An entire game is over within the same amount of time as a 6 minute objective on GnG, racking in upwards of 1000 coins per minute; sometimes even as high as 1500. Not one side will win anymore than the other in Team Vanquish, as the payouts don't appear as one sided.
But if you're interested in payouts of large amounts and aren't as skillfully inclined as others, definitely Gardens and Graveyards is your best bet. A player on the winning team doesn't have to even be close to top of the charts to get a nice reward for completing the game.
It doesn't compare at all to G&G, you forgot to add in the loading times between the matches and the lobby waiting times! Vanquish is not in any way shape or form even close to a Zombie side G&G i'm sorry but no lol. just no. Also 6 minutes in Vanquish is pushing it, it's at least closer to 10 minutes.
Sorry I was more comparing game modes not team specifics. Yes, zombies do get huge pay outs on GnG, but their CPM are never all that more significant than a good player in TVM, since the games often last for much longer.
After a Gardens and Graveyards game is over, what do you suggest, switch to zombies every time for the most pay out? And when the zombies are full, your CPM suffers, where as a Team Vanquish user is able to continue at their same rate on any team.
I used to be all for GnG Engineering 15k+ coins end of round, but this was always one sided. Not to mention I'd look like a complete douche to switch teams every game just for top scores.
I wish there would be a major adjustment to the coin payout system. I love garden ops and team vanquish but those modes arent worth playing if you want coin. I have been also getting really tired of how G&G games turn out for me lately...... I am always the dam plants....... everyone quits out on the plants side or switches sides to the zombies once the match starts.....
- Anonymous11 years ago
i do agree on the garden ops payout it is sad for doing it on hard mode only nets you 2k like really come on on pvz twitter a guy linked a screenshot of him getting 21k for doing hard im like how the heck?
- Anonymous11 years ago
ignore this post im half asleep lol*
- Anonymous11 years agoYea that's what I was thinking. I hate being on plants side on g&g ☹️ lol but the game puts me there like 80% of the time
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