Forum Discussion

Iron_Guard8's avatar
9 months ago

[Feedback] PvZ needs more love

Not been posting a lot recently after we had something of a flurry of activity over the games, and especially GW2 with the PC patch that didn't work out so well, but I'm still playing GW2 pretty much every day, and as a lover of PvZ, the current state is rather depressing.

When we visit these forums we see that PvZ's presence has shrunk significantly, at one point we had separate forums for several of the games at once, we even had GW2 and BfN forums active for a time. Now we just have 2, 3, and 'other'. We can still play the games, even the original GW which is 10 years old and has a direct and indirect sequel in GW and BfN respectively. 

With an IP this beloved, why is the situation so bleak? BfN wasn't the roaring success they expected after the surprising success of GW and the continued success of the GW formula in GW2, but after it got cut off so abruptly, things look bad and they've if anything gotten worse despite the attention GW2 was getting for a time not too long ago. PvZ3 is being poorly received, PvZ2 is decent at its core but is too heavily monetized, the GW games are still great fun but do get a bit repetitive after so long, BfN just never lived up to its potential, and I have no idea what's going on with Heroes anymore. So many of these games are/were fun even with some of their issues, and with the PvZ brand so recognizable, we should be seeing more being done with it.

I love the original game and enjoyed 2 and Heroes quite a bit, but I admit that my main focus are the shooters, and especially GW2, a game that still feels like a 'home' of sorts in my gaming world, a world I've spent a lot of time over the years. With BfN being relegated to maintenance mode and with a character imbalance across the teams, we really need that GW3 I mention now and then. I especially want to see the best aspects of GW and GW2, and yes, BfN, brought forward to a new game. I've mentioned it often over the years, but the Reddit is still going strong considering the lack of new content, and the YouTube videos largely do well and gets lots of comments about how much people love the GW games. With the current morose state of affairs with the PvZ games, now would be a great time for some actual good news for a change.

  • @Iron_Guard8 Thank you for sending this feedback over. We appreciate the info you listed. We will forward this to the appropriate teams so they can review this, and continue to look at making changes and updates for the players.


7 Replies

  • EA_Shepard's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    9 months ago

    @Iron_Guard8 Thank you for sending this feedback over. We appreciate the info you listed. We will forward this to the appropriate teams so they can review this, and continue to look at making changes and updates for the players.


  • @Iron_Guard8Very late to the party since my EA account decided I no longer existed and lack of interest outside of a anniversary post on bfn's last update/birthday but I agree wholeheartedly that the situation is very grim.

    Ever since the portal fix got shot down and the anti cheat rolled straight into a flaming dumpster the activity shrank extremely. Shame as the portal fix news caused a lot of players to consider coming back before it got shot down. There's just nothing to discuss about anymore.

    Pvz3 now has a choose your seeds function but I wonder how this will affect a lot of the game since the roster and levels are poorly balanced at the moment and built around the old design.

    It's a darn shame nothing is going on at the moment as a lot of the community including some of the youtubers that quit/took breaks a while back have come back most likely out of a sense of nostalgia maybe.

    Darn shame a true gw3 will never likely come out as now that the community has grown up a lot since it's been 10 years since gw2 and I've seen far more memes and animations about the shooters on the internet.

    People overall are now looking back at garden warfare and going "oh wait this was actually really good and not just my rose tinted glasses".

    Sadly I dont think we'll ever see that day even if pvz gets back on its feet. The behind the scenes incompetence  that led to the cancellation of project hot tub into the hasty release of bfn still plague the industry and if what Sony and Microsoft's higher ups keep saying shows it won't go away as these people actively live to spite their customers.

    Even now EA is considering in game ads for battlefield 6. I swear sometimes it feels the next video game crash can't happen soon enough.

  • Iron_Guard8's avatar
    9 months ago

    Good to see you as always @stukapooka . I appreciate the replies @EA_Shepard , although I really wish we'd get some good news for this IP one of these days. 

    And as you point out stukapooka, GW2 is that good! I do love the original too, and some love that one more than 2, but the general sentiment is that 2 mostly improved over the original, but the original was great too. I have played other multiplayer shooters over the years; loved TF2, played a lot of Paladins, OW for a time, and some others too, but none have been as fun or kept my interest as long as GW2. It's partly because I love PvZ, partly because the game is so much fun, even against bots (although PvP matches without cheaters are better), and there is so much to do thanks to the excellent backyard battleground and the events we used to get on top of the great PvP and Ops. 

    I don't even want/need a graphics update, GW and GW2 look great and since they aren't going for ultra-realism, they don't need an overall for their looks, we just need some balancing, new maps, better net code, and better support. I'd love to play all the maps from the GW2 games with some new characters/variants and more PvE options!

  • EA_Shepard's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    9 months ago

    @Iron_Guard8 Im asking. There is a lot that goes into getting updates, messages etc. Everything has to be approved, tested, signed off on, you name it. I am sitting here waiting just like the players. It does get frustrating for sure. I am not a game dev so my suggestions are limited on how to fix things but more geared toward what can we do for players.

  • stukapooka's avatar
    9 months ago

    @Iron_Guard8I still long for the day a new shooter can come along and replicate how gw1 treated vertical map design. No shooter that I know of since has really replicated it.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again if it was possible I'd learn coding/programming and just update the game myself If I could.

    I gotta get back into pc since my accounts fixed and get some mods past the system because I dont care what EA says I'm playing solo play on wallnut hills with super brains and a dozen gw1 stats flag zombie teammates darn it!

    The artsyle for all the games hold up imo. Going for stylization over realism allows a lot of games to live past their time graphics wise. I'm against a lot of people who think pvz 1 needs a remaster for this reason. What we really it is just it or a classic popcap games collection ported to newer consoles like the switch and ps5/series x (I know some have the digital store stuff but physical collections would be nice) but it sadly seems EA/Popcap wont do that seeing as how gw1 never even got to come to steam. I know mobile makes the most revenue but if they ever want the series to expand again they're gonna have to actually take some risk with console.

    Whenever the bfn post comes around I'm gonna list a few mode ideas to compare it against how the game only added the shortly lived battle arena.

  • Screion's avatar
    9 months ago

    I'm still around and check the forums every now and then. But i am also convinced that the franchise is pretty much dead at this point. Whatever analysts have decided that easier money is elswhere to be made. I've also decided not to take part in this Kernel-Mode mess and to uninstall the games.

    And since i have recordings i can say with certainty that the last time i played GW2 multiplayer was 2022-06-01, which is what the file name reads. Not only to be annoyed by the fact that the new EA App is awful and even that terrible Origin was better, but also by that fact that once i loaded in recently to play it coop with an old friend, who now unfortunately passed away, to find out that even after such a long time not taking part in any online play, my account was targeted by those level shenanigans. For whatever dumb reason.

    But speaking of recordings, that exact video also reminded me of why i stopped again: a cheater who just happened to have 169 vanquishes in a TT match with a 70 damage to insta-kill electro pea. And yes i reported the account. And yes i expect EA to have said user banned after having sent them the video with time stamps of evidence.

    But i am tired of all of this and EA is not innocent here on their constant quest to find the perfect formula of unlimited growth. As cheating becomes worse every day and a large portion of players jump ship. One third actually. And even exploits remain unpatched leaving us alone with an "as is".

    I will keep an eye on this whole anti-cheat development. But a can of worms can not outweigh year-long negligence.

  • @Screion I remember the outrage the portal fix discussion got into when they revealed they had fixed rux a while back, tried fixing levels (not sure if that got fixed since I haven't played pc for months), and the anticheat system being developed.

    I know they said that the portal wasn't as easy as just activating/changing the code but I definitely how ticked off everyone was, especially when the anticheat made the game worse and .ade genuine modding more which was one of the draws of pc gw2 far more difficult.

    I fear the series is nearing its end because with pvz3 it's become clear a lot of behind the scenes bs has leaked into the games and the community just feels like a lot of their complaints weren't being adressed.

    Yeah we got choose your seeds but months after the fact and they still kept the home scapes elements after practically everyone gave feedback on it being the worst part of the game.

    Absolute clownery how badly this series has been mishandled since 2018 honestly.

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