I believe it is in the best interests of not only the community - But the series as well to bring back the shooters. In particular, Garden Warfare 2. It is by far the most popular shooter (amassing 600+ active players on Steam alone on its' weakest days, and that's not including EA App, Origin, and Epic Games players of GW2) More recently, a massive franchise sale had occurred where GW2 was $3 USD. The number of active players alone had more than multiplied by 10, Amassing almost 10,000 active players on Steam alone, not including other PC platforms.
Not only that, but the game is also extremely popular elsewhere. It has an active player base on Xbox and Playstation, the community via YouTube (and even Twitch to an extent) are still popular, and there is clearly a lot of artistic talent left in this game. Tens of new maps, characters, modes, cosmetics, everything can still be done. Hell, even the tiniest change like mystery portal rotation being changed on the serverside, or a server-sided anticheat that checks public multiplayer games for mismatched character selection (no more boss cheaters online) The GW2 community doesn't want or ask for much, but anything it can get, it'll happily take. Especially mystery portal rotations, which the community has been asking to be changed for years.
If there is somehow an EA developer or executive reading this, or Shepard reading this or presenting it, Mobile games are not what should be next for PvZ, PvZ3 is a community failure, and it shows if you took a look at your community and the content creators pushing PvZ3, Meanwhile, People still play this goofy 8 year old game and have a blast on it. Content creators playing the game still enjoy it, and there are talks and videos all the time asking for new content or changes to the game. I would highly recommend you invest even the littlest amount of resources into a game that boasts thousands of players daily and probably millions of dollars yearly. Garden Warfare 2 (or even a possible three) is the only way to save this franchise. PvZ2 is on a constant decline, PvZ3 is a proven failure that cannot recover, even if a global release is made, and BFN is not what a majority of the playerbase want for an official third shooter game.
Finally, please take serious consideration about the economic potential Garden Warfare 2 still has. This game could be making millions more with even the smallest additions and changes.