Forum Discussion
Now some Though Talk that will upset a lot of people:
Super Brainz Beam needs to deal 50% less damage and have 50% more overheat across the board. The electric one needs to deal 75% less arc damage.
Super Brainz Turbo Twister needs to have a shorter duration by 25% and the damage reduction need to be reduced once again by at least 25%.
If that does not happen the developers can as well just remove that class entirely from the game, as there is no point in having a melee tank that does not use melee. Incompetent people either use Turbo Twister up close or the beam from afar. We could also just give the Chomper a 10 shot clip of his Goop Cannon and watch how every Chomper just camps and shoots. And as ridiculous as it sounds: It is ridiculous.
Of course i also see ways to split it. Let's say the Turbo Twister gets a child like a Tank Twister. Where one type has damage reduction, and the other one deals more damage. That way people can choose one and crease the overall variety in the game.
And very important to mention is that even more ridiculous bug where the Twisters slow effect actually affects a burrowed Chomper. How that could make it through testing remains a mystery. But it has to go. Only the Engineer should be able to touch a burrowed Chomper with his stun weaponry.
I've now been in enough Turf Takeover games to know that a constant barrage of Turbo Twisters and Mechs makes the zombies win. There are not enough Roses to stop one after another. Not to forget that the Pirates Barrel Blast also needs to be dealt with before it ignites. And if there are Roses they are being targeted by the Laser Pirates - or simply by Electro Beams.
The amount of HP the zombie team can throw into a garden with all the defense bonuses and basic HP is too much to deal with. While on the plants team no one can constantly tank all the twisters, Blasters, Barrel Blasts and ZPGs. Occasionally a Bean drops in a graveyard, but that is all the zombies have to fear.
So far i think the plants problem is not their damage output, but their lack of damage reduction. The amount of perfectly timed teamwork the plants require to stop a Twister, Mech or Barrel Blast is rarely to be found to take a heavily defended graveyard.
So my respect goes to people that play Super Brainz without Beam and only a few twisters. And what needs to disappear are players like the screenshot shows.
Good feedback, but do you think nerfing a few variants will change anything?
Would you agree or disagree that plants need more health and firepower across the board to be on par with this overload? That is pretty much what I've been saying all along, and my view won't change unless the game changes...
- 9 years agoIt's going to be very difficult talking about balancing issues when half my shots that hit people don't even register....
I cant think of any other online shooter that can get away with such a game breaking bug....
People get hit with bean bombs and take no damage...citron can take half the beam before shots start to register...vampire flower won't life steal because the shots don't register....etc....etc...
The game is so frustrating right now...I want to enjoy playing but I'm astonished it is in the state it is...- 9 years ago
I thought maybe Vampire Flower just sucked now and that's why it was doing that...
I'm sure they're working on it, or something. At least it loads, eventually...
- 9 years ago
No i don't think that buffing the plants will be the solution. Simply because it worked in the Original GW and now primarily the new classes are causing issues.
If anything i think the Chomper could use 25 more HP, and maybe the nuts from the cactus get a buff in HP. It's more of the "zombies have too much power" right now.
This is not only proven by the original GW and its balance (despite the OP Super Commando and Agent Pea), but also by enough Turf Takeover matches that had no Super Brains or masses of Mechs. Because as soon as the tanking and twistering stops it becomes a lot more even. Be it on the offense or defense, a zombie team without that spam has to work a lot harder to win.
Then nerf the Pirate and his "master of all trades" role and address the Scientist issue.
But i am not sure what would be a good step to address the Scientist. Maybe lowering the HP of the heavy hitters to 75. But from my experience, well places Potato Mines and a competent Chomper can frustrate the Scientists pretty quick.
But give the Chomper a break. He cannot be the one that sneaks up behind the camping Pirates, stops the backstabbing Scientist, traps the barrels with Spikeweed and eats all the twisters in between.
- 9 years ago
Okay well I agree with your balancing ideas, but after they destroyed Rose I don't wish to comment about any more nerfs, I'm happy with buffs, and after one side is too strong, zombies can be buffed.
Whether you buff one side, or Nerf the other - the outcome should be the same if done correctly. Since there is no way that anyone can stop Imp Mechs, or spam by them, something has to be done about them too. A possible counter by increasing the EMPeavh stun duration of even a complete overhaul of the Mech by lowering its health to 150. I don't see why Imp should have 2 lives, one with 75 and another with 400. That gives the damn class almost 500 health, and with the Drake he has a shield which puts him way over 500. Now don't try and tell me that is fair or balanced man...
Chomper needs fixing, broken mechanics make him even virtually unplayable. Yes he should be capable of doing all those things, zombies have an ace card that you may not know about yet but I'm not going to say it.
- 9 years ago
@Zaheen1337 wrote:
Whether you buff one side, or Nerf the other - the outcome should be the same if done correctly.
No. No because of the likelihood of new elements breaking the game. No because of the experience i have in GW2 so far supporting that. And no because of the experience we have with the original GW.
I give you an example:
Back then the Camo Cactus was an issue. With the damage the Camo could do on critical hits they could 3-shot an All-Star. That has been addressed by increasing the amount of critical hits needed to 4, lowering the critical hit damage from 88 to 66. Now the Camo in GW2 can also deal 66 damage per critical hit just like in GW. And if we buff all plants that 3-shot problem comes back.
Also the Mechs are completely fine. It's the people that cried for an HP buff for the Imp that are now playing all the masses that cause one of the current problems. Because as soon as they are getting destroyed and can no longer spam their Impkata they will switch to other classes. The 0-aim and armor skills (Impkata, Twister, Barrel) are to be found a lot as of now simply because they bear low risk. But as soon as the risk is increased the behaviour of people with change.
Rose is also an example. Rose has been nerfed because she was too powerful. And Chompers are generally fine. The Gravity Grenades are annoying and the marking duration could be reduced.
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