EA Staff (Retired)
9 years ago[Looking For Group] - Infinity mode!
Hello everyone!
I've seen a lot of posts popping up of players looking for other players on their platform of choice to play Infinity mode with. I've created this sticky so we can keep track of those of you who are looking to group up together.
If you'd like to join up with players on your platform make sure to post the following and I'll add it to the main post:
- Platform (PS4 / XBOX One / PC)
- Persona (PSN ID / Gamertag / EA account name)
- Location / timezone
Please only post if you're happy with having your persona advertised and people adding you to play. I'll do my best to keep this updated.
Lastly - please make sure you're only discussing joining up with others in this thread. For any other infinity mode related discussion please create a separate post 🙂
Playstation 4
- PSN ID: DatGamer05
- Timezone/location: North America West
- PSN ID: JRsmooth729
- Timezone/Location: ???
- PSN ID: yodaSoldier80
- Timezone/location: UK
- Timezone/location: Central European Time
- PSN ID: DayumQuitPlaying
- Timezone/location: US East
- PSN ID: xXPJK12345Xx
- Timezone/location: ???
- PSN ID: Taylor_bourque
- Timezone/location: ???
- PSN ID: guitargypsy
- Timezone/Location: U.S/ Central Time
- PSN ID: Hambgail
- Timezone/Location: UTC+7:00 / Thailand
- PSN ID: DSWoolf
- Timezone/Location: South America
- PSN ID: bigstefanobig
- Timezone/location: Italy
- PSN ID: Somethingbetween
- Timezone/location: Canada EST
- PSN ID: Jme-B
- Timezone/Location: US EST time zone
- PSN ID: nightshadow99
- Location/timezone: central time usa
- PSN ID: Michal-Tobias
- Location/timezone: Germany
- PSN ID: Snakeyjakey2015
- Timezone/location: UK
- PSN ID: Wfajardo80
- Timezone/location: North America East
- PSN ID: Chazprime
- Timezone/location: North America East
- PSN ID: Gamertag_73
- Timezone/location: Central Standard Time
- PSN ID: Inforser
- Timezone/location: North America East
- PSN ID: LadyRutherford
- Timezone/location: North America East
- PSN ID: phillybro2010
- Timezone/Location: Eastern time
- PSN ID: ScottM1988
- Timezone/location: UK
- PSN ID: Ste_logic
- Timezone/location: Italy
- PSN ID: woz3323
- Timezone/location: US Central time
- PSN ID: woz3323
- Timezone/location: US Central time
- PSN ID: FatalRegent
- Timezone/Location: Central time - USA
- PSN ID: Nocleto
- Timezone/location: Central Europe
- PSN ID: realitysquared
- Timezone/Location: North America East
PSN ID: Stacy_Adam
- Timezone: North America Central
- PSN ID: Smelly_Ferrett
- Timezone/Location: GMT
- PSN ID: RektByMitch-
- Timezone/Location: England
- PSN ID: LV_Jag
- Timezone/Location: PST/NA West
- PSN ID: Deadman_616
- Timezone/Location: London (gmt)
- PSN ID: Gherik and NayNay777
- Timezone/Location: US East
- PSN ID: Odega
- Timezone/Location: Us - East
- PSN ID: RagingAnubis
- Location/timezone: Texas, US
- PSN ID: vasilis_neptune
- Timezone/Location: UK
- PSN ID: nightshadow99
- Timezone/Location: U.S. central time zone
- PSN ID: EvertonLagemann
- Location/timezone: South America (Brazil)
- PSN ID: NinjaMcNuggets
- Location/timezone: North America East
- PSN ID: Nitro912
- Location/timezone: Eastern time
- PSN ID: Abufhad
- Timezone/Location: Saudi Arabia - GMT+3
- PSN ID: mocomar
- Location/timezone: US East
- PSN ID: tburda92
- Timezone/location: Central Europe
- PSN ID: synerg-y
- Timezone/Location: North America East
- PSN ID: RoBo78-SVK
- Timezone/Location: GMT+1
- PSN ID: xxbacon_69xx
- Location/timezone: Chicago
- Timezone/Location: Europe
- Gamertag: jayboyx
Timezone/location: Canada
- Gamertag: MattyKingz
- Timezone/location: Central European Time
- Gamertag: jamesmcr
- Timezone/location: UK
- Gamertag: BigFroggy2ex
- Timezone/location: Germany (english speaker too)
- Gamertag: ZanyFiddler
- Timezone/location: Texas, USA
- Gamertag: DayumQuitPlaying
- Timezone/location: US East
- Gamertag: BIG BAD JAM3S
- Timezone/location: UK
- Gamertag: Redarkurdish
- Timezone/location: ???
- Gamertag: PlantBustersRPG
- Timezone/location: North America East
- Gamertag: iswat mrbig
- Location/timezone: north america west
- Gamertag: trishastunden
- Location/timezone: Eastern Standard Time
- Location/Timezone: UK
- Gamertag: kybug100
- Location/Timezone: ???
- Gamertag: Empzurg99
- Location/Timezone: UK
- Gamertag: kaiDADhonu
- Timezone/Location: PST West coast, some Spanish, decent French.
- Gamertag: Dangerous Lee
- Timezone/Location: Central Standard Time
- Gamertag: Yay Horseys
- Timezone/location: US Eastern Time Zone (Detroit)
- Gamertag: Psycopaz
- Timezone/Location: UK
- Gamertag: Tristanne
- Location/Timezone: Central time
- Gamertag: Jonas030405
- Location/Timezone: Central time zone, USA
- Gamertag: Booitus
- Location/Timezone: Pacific
- Gamertag: Rogue agent 51
- Timezone/Location: Eastern time zone
- Gamertag: Rump3lstiitskin (2 i's)
- Timezone/location: U.S. Mountain standard time
- Gamertag: Tallywayllyy
- Timezone/location: ??
- Gamertag: DawnOfNoob
Timezone/location: Eastcoast US
- Gamertag: Endertunes
- Timezone/location: Eastcoast US
- Gamertag: Kosillex
- Timezone/Location: Europe/ Germany
- Gamertag: Sm311MyFing3r
- Timezone/location: North East America
- Gamertag: Hydrosx
- Timezone/location: Brazil - GMT -03:00
- Gamertag: CHR1SBR33ZYB55
- Gamertag: Graygerm2970215
- Gamertag: Wh00FlungP00 the o's are zeros
- Location/timezone: Eastern U.S
- Gamertag: Pinch 1 Off
- Location/timezone: Easter Standard time
- Gamertag: BRBgettnKrazy
- Gamertag: Soul00eater
- Location/timezone: Florida
- Gamertag: Teufelsmark
- Location/timezone: US East Coast
- Gamertag: sack attack 101
- Location/timezone: US - Eastern
- Gamertag: Soul00eater
- Location/timezone: Florida, US
- Gamertag: MrSprinkleturds
- Location/timezone: US, Eastcoast
- Gamertag: Schwaggbby
- Location/timezone: North American North East
- Gamertag: TLG002
- Location/Timezone: Germany
- Gamertag: EliasNabil
- Location/timezone: Brazil
- Gamertag: kingsparky1989
- Timezone/Location: UK
- Gamertag: commander zippy
- Timezone/Location: USA Eastern
- Gamertag: Janny86
- Timezone/Location: UK
- Gamertag: greenblade3
- Gamertag: jessieavril
- Timezone/Location: ACST (Australian Central Standard Time)
- Gamertag: BobaDFett
- Gamertag: x Grief Seed
- Timezone/Location: North American East
- Gamertag: Kosillex
- Gamertag: SullenestDrop89
- Timezone/Location: +2.00 GMT/ South Africa.
- Gamertag: flutterby59
- Gamertag: Oni Baloni
- Location/Timezone: UK
- Gamertag: luckyblock14
- Gamertag: Yanks
- Location: Oregon / Timezone: Pacific
- Gamertag: KWpops
- Location/timezone: Central Time zone
- Gamertag: BigRedDaDoo
- Location/timezone: Canada, North America
- Gamertag: Hydrosx
- Gamertag: UGH NOT U AGAIN + crazy green pea
- Timezone/Location: UK
- Gamertag: xdaddy cake
- Location/timezone: canada pst
- Gamertag: Shadowed179
- Location/timezone: NAwest - mountain time
- Gamertag: xsly
- Location/timezone: PST
- Gamertag: molly1616
- Location/timezone: Australia
- Gamertag: LuckierMaple482
- Location/Timezone: Central Time
- Gamertag: UndyingQuasar73
- Timezone/Location: USA, Mountain Standard Time, evenings & weekends
- Gamertag: FishingAddict24
- Timezone/Location: US East
- Origin name: Death_cares
- Timezone/location: US East
- Origin name: Aurak16
- Timezone/location: US East/West
- Origin name: Killerboy2807
- Timezone/location: Central European Time
- Origin name: SimplyJen
- Timezone/location: US East/West
- Origin name:: Highley5
- Timezone/location: US East/West
- Origin name: AnimeSenpi
- Timezone/location: UK
- Origin name: dpejw9027
- Timezone/Location: USA
- Origin name: TFB-The73MPL4R
- Timezone/Location: US East
- Origin name: KyleGTerminator
- Timezone/location: North America Eastern Standard Time
- Origin Name: Westslayer
- Timezone/Location: UK
- Origin name: Forevermacin
- Timezone/Location: UK (Weekends and late afternoons)
- Origin Name: Stalker2400
- Timezone/Location: Central European Time
- Origin name: PWincess86
- Timezone/location: Hawaii Time
- Origin name: BabyBeel
- Timezone/location: Central Asian Time
- Origin name: lolkolf
- Location/timezone: Europe
- Origin name: amandashu
- Location/timezone: SEA (South East Asia)
- Origin name: Lorind
- Location/timezone: USA-New Hampshire EST
- Origin name: Vbloomy
- Location/timezone: US East Coast
- Origin name: SpunkyBeli
- Location/timezone: Pacific Timezone
- Origin name: FadedMemory23
- Location/timezone: US East/West
- Origin name: knom83
- Location/timezone: Europe (Deutsch/English)
- Origin name: kaitoofrose
- Location/timezone: North America West
- Origin name: JonasX007
- Location/timezone: Brasilia -3GMT
- Origin name: De1c1dE
- Timezone/Location: GMT
- Origin name: P_for_Polarbear
- Timezone/Location: Unknown
- Origin name: th8827
- Location/timezone: US, West Coast
- Origin Name: Marcusf2008
- Timezone/Location: european time zome, language English / Polish
- Origin Name: MissClik
- Timezone/Location: UK (Language = FR/EN)
- Origin Name: ap10833479
- Timezone/Location: SEA
- Origin Name: RamSaLeMiX
- Timezone/Location: Mostly Europe - sometimes North America East
- Origin Name: PinkoCommey
- Origin Name: XxMadxX07
- Location/Timezone: U.S west/east
- Origin Name: overlordbrainz
- Location/Timezone: US West
- Origin name: Remifam5
- Location/timezone: US
- Origin name: RareSombrero
- Location/timezone: US East
- Origin Name: hex_gamer77
- Location/timezone: north america east/west
- Origin Name: tyk1988
- Timezone/location: SEA
- Origin name: Primille
- Location/timezone: Europa
- Origin name: Kylegterminator
- Timezone/Location: Eastern Standard time
- Origin name: Toguro80
- Timezone/Location: South America (Brazil)
- Origin name: Leogoy
- Timezone/location: GMT -3
- Origin name: kennyyip2011
- Location/timezone: Pacific Timezone
- Origin name: Babybeel
- Timezone/Location: UTC +8:00
- Origin Name: SOAWplays
- Timezone/Location: Mostly Europe - Occasionally North America West; Timezone: Mountain Standard Time (US)
- Origin Name: LadyNelfia
- Timezone/Location: Europe
- Origin Name: DomestosPL
- Timezone/Location: Europe
- Origin Name: NasherRules487
- Timezone/Location: UK GMT
- Origin Name: Akram03230
- Timezone/Location: West/East United States/North America
- Origin Name: chrisjako7
- Timezone/Location: United Kingdom/Europe
- Origin Name: Alpha_KeksHD
- Timezone/Location: Europe
- Origin Name: empoxo
- Timezone/Location: Poland GMT+1 (lang polish/english)
- Origin Name: Fluffycat42
- Timezone/Location: North America East
Good luck!
- Andy -