Forum Discussion

DreamyImpy's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
3 months ago

PvZ Heroes recent balance patches: a list of bugs and things that need fixing.

Here's a list of all bugs, inconsistencies and overall things that need fixing after the few patches we got last December. If I missed something, please do let me know!


-Terror-Former 10,000 (Huge Gigantacus's Signature Superpower): Plant Tricks get cheaper, can conjure Zombie Superpowers (both Superpower Tricks and Superpower Environments, though it might be intended), and the short description for the card isn't spelled properly (''tricks'' instead of ''Tricks'' with capital T).

-Octo-Pet (card made by Octo-Pult, Neptuna's Signature Power): description doesn't state it now has Frenzy.

-Nurse Gargantuar: ability only triggers when she and only she hurts the Plant Hero (intended ability is ''heal when any Gargantuar deals damage to any Plant or Plant Hero'').

-Wizard Gargantuar: ability is random when description doesn't state so (should be ''another random Zombie'' if it was intended to be random, the ability could be changed so you can choose what Zombie to transform to make it accurate to the description). Also, when Wizard Garg was patched so as to not transform itself, it was made so it can't transform any Wizard Gargs, including other Wizard Gargs on the board already. And last, on his description, like other cards that refer to cost of cards, the ''1 more'' should have the Brain icon on it.

-Gargantuar Mime: though he got nerfed in a patch after the main update and lost Untrickable, his description still states he has it.

-Deep Sea Gargantuar: triggers his +1/+1 ability on himself when any Zombie enters any lane, which shouldn't be the case when the description states that only that Zombie should get +1/+1. Also, just like Wizard Garg, his ability doesn't work when another Deep Sea Garg enters a lane.

-Nibble: description doesn't state it now conjures Gourmet cards that cost 3 or less. Also, the game softlocks when Nibble destroys a Plant with a ''When Destroyed'' ability.

-Octo Zombie: new description is messy. It shouldn't say ''+3/+2 Octo-Pet,'' but rather just ''3/2 Octo Pet.'' (This could fixed by changing it so his description uses the same underlined text Neptuna's Signature Power, Octo-Pult, has). Moreso, there's two periods in the end, and the end of the description is all highlighted text when only the words ''When destroyed:'' should be highlighted.

-Cyborg Zombie: Vengeful Cyborg got buffed to 5/6, but the underlined text in Cyborg Zombie's description still referes to Vengeful Cyborg as a 5/5.

-Mad Chemist: on his description, like other cards that refer to cost of cards, the ''1 less'' should have the Brain icon on it.

-Quarterly Bonus: ability is bugged and gives +4 Strength instead of changing Strength of Zombie to 4. Also, on its description, like other cards that refer to strength of Zombies, the ''4'' should have the Strength icon on it.

-Wormhole Gatekeeper: only decreases cost of cards she conjures, instead of all cards conjured (in other words, it should be just like Dr. Spacetime's ability). Also, on her description, like other cards that refer to cost of cards, the ''1 less'' should have the Brain icon on it.

-Hippity Hop Gargantuar: his ability remains bugged and sometimes doesn't create a Mystery Egg when played, as it seems it still can target lanes with Zombies in them, meaning no egg will be made if a Zombie is in said lane. 

-Turkey Rider: Leftovers got buffed to a 1-Cost, but the underlined text in Turkey Rider's description still refers to Leftovers as a 2-Cost.

-Terrify: its description is lacking the underlined Conjure text that every other card that Conjures has.

-Wannabe Hero: description states he heals 3 and after that gets extra HP, but the extra HP ability happens first and doesn't benefit from the healing. Also, his description doesn't specify he only heals the Zombie Hero (and the description itself is slightly misspelled).


-Sunburn (Solar Flare's Signature Superpower): description still states you only get +2 Sun, instead of ''+1 Sun for the rest of the game.''

-Atomic Bombegranate: Seedling got buffed to 0/2, but the underlined text in Atomic Bombegranate still refers to Seedling as a 0/1.

-Transfiguration: on its description, like other cards that refer to cost of cards, the ''1 more'' should have the Sun icon on it.

-Banana Split: Half-Banana got buffed so her ability affects all Fruits instead of only Bananas, but the underlined text in Banana Split's description still refers to Half-Banana's ability to only give +1/+1 to Bananas.

-Bean Counter: he was buffed to have Team-Up, but his description doesn't state it at all.

-Winter Melon: Freeze ability is random but his description doesn't state so (his ability could be changed so you can choose what Zombie to Freeze to make it accurate to his description).

-Water Balloons: its description states that it can only target Zombies without Amphibious, but it can actually target Zombies with Amphibious. Also, its description should have the underlined Amphibious text that you can tap like other cards that are Amphibious or refer to the ability.

-Cross-Pollination: on its description, like other cards that refer to cost of cards, the ''1 less'' should have the Sun icon on it.

-Night cap: his name was changed from ''Nightcap'' since other PvZ Games refer to this character as ''Night Cap.'' However, the name here is misspelled (''Night cap'' instead of ''Night Cap'' with capital C).

-The cards that were given completely new Conjure abilities are lacking the ''Conjured by [X]'' text. Those are: Wormhole Gatekeeper, Regifting Zombie, Nibble, Gardening Gloves, Terrify.
This is also true for Octo Zombie, as his Octo-Pet lacks the ''Made by Octo Zombie'' text.

-The texts for most Triassic rarities when you select a card have been bugged for the longest time, showing ''!#TRIASSIC_UNCOMMON#!'' instead of ''COLOSSAL - UNCOMMON.'' This is true for Triassic Uncommons, Rares and Super-Rares, but not Triassic Legendaries. 

Also, I suggest a few balance changes.

-Wild Berry (previously 4/1 with no abilities) was intended to be a 2/1 with Anti-Hero 2, but we got 4/1 with Anti-Hero 2, leading to 6 damage to face in Turn 2. This should be nerfed in some way, either by going with the originally intended stats or by removing Anti-Hero 2 entirely (keeping 4/1 stats).

-Gargantuar Mime was given Untrickable, then in a patch got stats reduced to 5/6 and removed Untrickable, making a just decent card worse than it was before the first changes. I suggest either giving him Untrickable back or increasing his health back to 7.

-Transfiguration was intended to be a 2-Cost 1/1 with the new ability, but it kept the same stats. With its absurd 4/7 stats and extremely strong new ability, this card is too good. Reducing its cost would make its ability weaker, and stats should be tweaked as well.

-Cat Lady originally was a 0/4, then got buffed to 0/5 in the first patch and then got nerfed to 0/3. I think the nerf should be reverted to 0/4.

-Bobblehead got nerfed to 2/4 from 3/4. This nerf should be reverted.

-All-Star having such great offensive stats with 4 Strength and Frenzy, while also being so tanky with 6 HP and Armored 1 AND the new Untrickable trait is just too much pressure that's way too hard to deal with. He should be easier to destroy, either by reducing his HP, removing Armored 1 or reverting the Untrickable buff.

-Quasar Wizard's ability only triggers when played next to a Zombie. This should be removed, as he's a weak body and this condition makes him rather awkward to use.

Thank you for reading, I hope this comment can help you improve the game.

10 Replies

  • -Mime Gargantuar's description is also incorrect right now, it's still showing it's untrickable while it's not.

    I don't think winter melon is purely random, I believe it's random in the sense it uses "Cob Cannon" logic. To elaborate, it will sometimes auto-target a zombie that could possibly KO your hero or freeze a zombie that result in the best possible play, while other times allowing you to properly target, similar to when you evolve Cob Cannon. That's at least from my experience with using winter melon, I may be totally wrong about this however.
    I keep noticing a ton of wrong descriptions overall (ie spelling errors, spelling, etc...), so there maybe be more that have been missed. It's sort of silly how they change the stats but don't change the description of a given card properly.

  • Also, in regard to the bottom part, another card that should maybe be tweaked is All-star, particularly due to how the card is now untrickable. 4/6 armored 1, frenzy with untrickable on turn 5 is pretty hard to deal with outside of bouncing them with a plant directly or using toadstool/ destroy a plant fusion combo (can't remember the card's name that allows you to destroy something when fused onto, in its lane). If untrickable is to be kept, they should maybe get a health nerf.

  • DreamyImpy's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    3 months ago

    Many of the card descriptions don't follow the old format (i.e. traits like Hunt being on its own line first, then everything else being down on different lines), like Overstuffed Zombie right now. I just didn't want to mention it because it felt like asking for too much 👉👈.

    As for Winter Melon, it is 100% random. Cob Cannon sometimes doesn't let you pick who to destroy because it's already destroying every other Zombie with its -1/-1 ability which goes first.

    (And true, Gargantuar Mime's description is outdated, I just think it would be epic if the goated Untrickable Mime came back...)

  • DreamyImpy's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    3 months ago

    I've updated the list to add a few things some people told me I missed, such as Nibble softlocking the game if it destroys a Plant with a ''When Destroyed'' ability (i.e.: Galacta-Cactus, Potato Mine), Gargantuar Mime's description still stating it has Untrickable or Night cap's name being misspelled (it should have a capital C). 

  • Skelajon's avatar
    Rising Scout
    3 months ago

    Looks like nurse garg is now broken in a different way where it only works when it hits the hero (other gargs can hit anything though in order to proc the healing), but I'm not sure if anything else has be broken/fixed aside from it.

    Man, I really wish they'd fix HG's signature making plant terrains/ tricks cost 1 less.

  • Not to mention something i found out regarding the ad system and I found out that its not worth it to watch ads for 5 gems rather you should have all 3 quests refreshed and then complete one quest and then watch to refresh it by 3 hours and complete one more and you wil get the option to watch a new ad to refresh the last timer from 3 hours to 0 and if you keep doing this then you wil be able to doubble the amount of gems you earn everyday from ads 

  • fmavxdl00drl's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    3 months ago

    Yes, I just lost a ranked battle at Gold League because of Quarterly Bonus. Strength went from 5 to 9 instead of 5 to 4.

  • The update log states that Transfiguration's cost was reduced from 4 to 2, attack was reduced from 4 to 1, and health was reduced from 7 to 1. This did not happen.

  • February and no correction. Another problem: when you spend gems to get a new mission 3 hours is added for next mission.

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