Re: All pvz games ranked
@Stringer2048 Thank you for bringing the topic up, I love it 🙂! I think we have quite different opinions, so I'll try to explain mine as well as you explained yours.
I will actually include 2 rankings: PvZ titles and all of the version of the original PvZ, as they are quite different.
1.) The original PvZ
While some of the newer games added more content and improved some concepts, PvZ 1 remains my favorite. It is a timeless classic for me. The other games may have more content, but are way more action focused and hectic. PvZ 1 is slower, has relaxing music and cleverly designed levels and progression. Overall, it has the Zen Nature that really helps me to relax when I had a bad day, which the other games are mostly missing. They expanded on other aspects and had to scarify this one, which is fine.
2) PvZ: BfN
BfN is my favorite PvZ shooter. It improved on so many things, I can't get back to playing the gw games. I find the gw2 community to be way more toxic than the BfN community. In most online forums people hate on BfN players for no reason. In-game, while I do encounter toxicity, I encounter it way less often than in gw2. The game had several issues at launch, but so did gw2. I couldn't stomach playing gw2 after its release, I hated it so much. When BfN launched I couldn't get enough. The charming and catchy trailer, the wacky PvZ DNA, the removal of extremely unbalanced variants, the new art style, improved music, story mode with awesome boss fight, multiplayer which greatly improved over time and the new Characters
3.) PvZ 2 (international)
PvZ 2 has been rather controversial for me. It introduced Pay to play and Pay not to Play mechanics, as well as Pay to Win mechanics (with the new leveling system which can be used in Battle Arena). It locked away plants behind ridiculous prizes. I clearly remember all of the interviews before launch, in which they stated "Every Plant and Zombie can be accessed for free". This was a lie. The prizes have even nearly doubled since launch ... .
While I hate the mobile game nature of the game, it took many concepts form PvZ further and added a tonne of new content that, with enough patience, can be enjoyed for free.
I don't like that they just spammed zombies for the more difficult levels. This makes the game unplayable without a touchscreen. I would have liked to see the game ported to pc and console, but due to the quick reaction time required, it is best suited for mobile.
4.) PvZ 2 (China)
I can't really say much about the Chinese version, as I can't play it. From what I have seen it has more and more unique worlds than the international release, which I like. It also seems to double down on the terrible monetization, so I rank it lower than the international release.
5.)PvZ: GW2
I hated this game at launch. While it improved on the first game a lot, it still was a mess at launch, despite the public beta. GW1 arguable has worse balancing, but no one knew about that in the beginning. The terrible balancing only really became a problem at the end when everyone only played what the knew was op. The zombies were way in gw1. They barely fixed the retiring characters and added more. This wasn't a good choice, in my opinion.I had the preorder bonus z-Mech and could destroy entire lobbies with it, despite having no idea how to play the game. I also dislike most of the maps and the art style. The game, overall, looks way darker than GW1. And I don't mean more mature, but just darker, less light being present. It makes most of the game look terrible and it feels like it is completely lacking the PvZ spirit. Some characters look nice and realistic, while others look like cheap clay figures. BfN has a nice and consistent art style, as well as a brighter appearance. They never fixed some op things in GW2 and is being overrun by cheaters, while BfN will age gracefully, with a now awesome upgrade system and good anti-cheat system. I also think the monetization in BfN is better. Except the legendary upgrades, which for the most part don't make a huge difference, everything that can be bought is cosmetic-only. I know that everything could be bought with coins in GW2, but it took way too long to unlock anything good without buying coins.
4.) PvZ: GW1
I started the PvZ shooters and was fun at launch, but has some very unrefined parts and terrible balancing, which became a huge problem in the end. I remember how happy I was when I say the trailer. I felt like the PopCap acquisition by EA had finally brought us something good that wouldn't have been possibly without EA as the publisher and owner of the franchise.
5.) PvZ: Adventures
I never got to play it, but watched a lot of videos on it. I really like the concept and wish there were a way for me to play it
6.) PvZ: Heros
While I heard a lot of good things about it, I simply don't like this genre and never ended up playing. The GW games (but mostly BfN) made me play I genre I otherwise ignored, but Heros didn't spark enough interest in me to try it. If it had deeper integration into PvZ 2 I might have tried it at launch. It Ould have been awesome to get rewards in both games for playing them both.
Ranking of PvZ 1
- Xbox 360/ PS3 - easily the best version with HD graphics, multiplayer, mini games and no ads or microtransactions
- PC - the original PvZ, lacking HD graphic and modern aspect ratio. It never got updated to include the terrible micro transaction, which I'm thankful for
- DS - weird graphics that are charming in a way, cool 8-bit style version of the soundtrack
- mobile - I bought this version twice (iPhone, iPad), It had everything in it for a one time purchase, but later was merged into one and locked away the mini games behind ridiculous prices. I paid for it and they robbed me of my content a year later. I am extremely mad about this. They even removed "There's a Zombie on your lawn" from this version. Greed at display, can't say more.