Scientist V.S Sunflower
As a player of PVZ BFN, I feel that zombies are just better than plants, with the zombies and plants that are similar to each other in their primary and some/all of their abilities such as Scientist VS Sunflower.
Scientist VS Sunflower
Scientist and sunflower are both support characters. The way sunflower supports is by healing her teammates and dealing some damage. The way scientist supports is by carrying the whole match. Sunflowers primary is her sun pulse. It is a fully automatic weapon which deals 8 damage for body shot and 10 damage for a head-shot. The scientist has a single firing weapon that can deal up to 33 damage if all the projectiles hit and 39 damage if all the projectiles hit with a crit. Scientist can jump around while shooting because of his single firing weapon, making him harder to shoot, with the sunflower if you try and jump around and shoot, you will probably miss most of your shots, so I give round one to scientist.
Healing Hose VS Heal Beam
This is a tough battle as healing hose can heal multiple zombies at once, but heals slower, and with a lower range, while sunflower can heal only one plant at a time with a faster rate and longer range. But there is one big difference. Sunflower can shoot with her heal beam, and scientist cannot. This makes a huge difference as if a sunflower was paired up with another plant, she could shoot and help even further. Sustaining her role as a support class. When healing the scientist could be shot at and would be defenseless, and have to top healing to shoot. So on this round I give the point to sunflower.
Sticky healy thing VS Sunny side Up
the sticky healy thingy can heal you our other teammates very quickly. You can stick the sticky healy thing to an ally, to the floor, or even to enemies, the ability has to be placed very near to your allies to heal them as it has a very short radius. This ability will give you and your teammates 100 health in less than 5 seconds. This ability is very useful, but has a long cool down of 25 seconds. Sunny side up heals you and your teammates by dropping little suns each giving 3 HP. You can sue this ability when their are multiple allies around you at low Hp to heal them. you can stack up to 3 of these ability so you almost always have a sunny side up ready to heal you and your teammates. The sunny side up is also very useful when fighting zombies by yourself, you can fully heal yourself with one sunny side up, and you have 3. This ability has given the sunflower the nickname "The Immortal Sunflower". in this round I give it to the sunflower because her ability can stack 3 times and provides a good amount of health.
Sunflower wins with 2 out of 3 points. Sunflower does her job better of supporting the team. I have probably made mistakes in spelling and many other things, if you find a mistake please feel free to reply and tell me what the mistake was and where it is. Thank you for all the support on this series!
Please note: i will be comparing the sunflowers sunbeam to the peashooters pea Gatling after I finish comparing all the plants and zombies.