Forum Discussion
So you made a post but you can't find it again? No problem!
It's actually very easy to find your posts and there are 2 ways you can use. 🙂
Way number 1:
When you make a post on Answers HQ, you are automatically subscribed to that topic/thread. So each time someone replies to that thread an email is sent to your email address linked to the account you used here on Answers HQ. Once you receive the email, just click on the link (the bold words in blue) with the threads subject line and you will be taken directly to the thread.
Way number 2:
Are you unsure which email address is linked to the account you are using on Answers HQ? Don't worry, this is how you can find out!
Just click on your username next to your avatar in the top right hand corner of Answers HQ to go to your profile page:
The above drop down menu will show if you click on the little arrow next to your name - select 'Profile'.
Welcome to your Profile page! 🥳
There is a lot of info here so take your time to explore this space. But now we are here to find your email and then check out your older posts! You can see your account email by clicking on 'Private Statistics'.
Don't worry - no one else but you (and site Administrators like me - EA_Leeloo) can see this info.
You can find your previous posts in your activity feed on the right. Scroll down a bit and click 'View All' to see all of your previous posts - when you click on the thread subject line, you can quickly jump into that thread again.
Tip for finding posts: You can create a bookmark or a favorite in your browser so you can access your profile page easier in the future (here are two guides on how to do that for Chrome and Firefox - just click on the name of the browser you're using). 🙂
Do you have any other questions about finding your posts on Answers HQ that we haven't covered here? Simply drop @EA_Illium, @EA_Rtas a Direct Message (click THIS LINK) and we will do our best to answer your question and add it here!
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