This is the 2nd time you've assumed that I work for EA. No I don't, but as you said in your other message, you wouldn't believe it even if I told you who I work for. Game programming isn't my thing. My programming experiences revolves more around PHP, MYSQL as well as VB. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to even code a gaming interface. I'm just a guy that has been playing Simcity games since the late 80's starting with the original Maxis Simcity that only had a sky view and no 3D capabilities.
If a free game has you that all hot and bothered, maybe it is time you quit. That goes for anything really. If it's not fun anymore, don't do it.
Although, because you bring it up, I will check it out further and watch my own game a little more closely. I can say that in my game, the Llama a cheetah are available for collection when I first wake up, but the turtles aren't available until closer to 9pm. It's been that way for a while. The turtles and the llamas used to be sync'd at the same time and somehow they split to two different times of day. I still haven't been able to figure that one out, but it was around the same time I got my first cheetah building.
Although, my own personal opinion, for a game you've paid nothing for, even if everything is exactly how you say it is, it's a free game, you didn't pay for a single thing in it, so why complain to this level about something you have no financial investment in whatsoever. Or maybe it's just that I don't care enough to get all up in arms about a game I'm not paying for.