I must have missed the announcement that EA had become a non-profit business. To say that their motivation is for profit would be to state the obvious. Aren't most companies in business to make a profit? Aren't the companies that we work for in business to make a profit. The money that funds your paycheck doesn't fall from the sky
granted we all hate EA.. But all the things that we complain about are what makes this game challenging. If it was easy it would be boring. Maybe those who score higher than we do are just better players than we are. How could that be?
I also missed the memo that stated the this game promised to be fair. Could the perception that it is unfair actually be sour grapes?
lets look at it from another perspective. Why would a customer who admittedly doesn't spend money on a product expect to be treated as a priority? The reality is as customers we do spend money and still get rotten service from our vendors. Can you say ATT?
to play this game is optional. If you don't like it don't play it. If you think EA is lying or cheating us, maybe you should write your Congressman!