Forum Discussion
- 8 years ago
I have been contacted by 2 mayors that have left their club and are looking for a club that is active, participates in the CoM, but does not participate in the War games. If this sounds like your club and you are interested please send me a private message. Thanks
- Anonymous8 years ago
What is your club’s name? I’m looking for a non-war club to join.
- 7 years ago
- 6 years ago
Dear Fellow SimCity Build it fans,
If you are looking for a club that enjoys wars or the contest of mayors then this club will be a good fit. We are not concerned with being the best and will not force you to score ridiculous amounts in the wars. This is a club for people to get together and have fun with the game. We do have a restriction of being level 5 war rank. We want you to have some experience but dont require you to be a high level to get in. The contest of mayors is optional but we do ask that you participate as often as you can in either the war or the contest. We understand you have a life and cannot dedicate yourself to this game constantly, If you are busy just let us know and you'll be fine. If this sounds like a club you would be interested in come join. Our club information is down below:
Divide and Conquer
- 6 years ago
Llamagedon club is still looking for members.
We're a new club with members of varying levels and only need 6 more members to start a war.
- 6 years agoLlamagedon only needs 4 more members now.
- 6 years ago
Llamagedon only needs 3 more members before we can start a war.
- 6 years ago
Looking for active and strategic players to join our club. #CLJJGG club name" Red light district" ACTIVE AT THE START IS VERY IMPORTANT, for atleast 50% of wars. We're at level 5 ranked barely in the top 1000. We try to keep a small club. Have 11 now but 3 can go if we get new strong members. I start all my wars with atleast 400-500 war parts and I stress asking me or teamates for war parts instead of using war cash to buy them. Instead we use war cash on boosters and we use the boosters STRATEGICALLY. I don't get upset at losses or a learning curve but I do stress teamwork, asking and learning. It's private because we protect our war parts from invaders. War rank 15+ preferred but may make exceptions is you are an active team player. # CLJJGG " Red light district".
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