I also am not able to view videos as I once did. Before, I could watch as many promo videos as I wanted but would only received Madden Cash for the first five. I'd had to wait a certain amount of time - I'm not sure how long because I never timed it - before I could start receiving Madden Cash again.
Now, I sometimes I click on the promo vides and get this message – ERROR • Unable to load video • Sorry, we were unable to load the selected video.
I attribute this message to EA wanting to syphon more money from its players. I used Madden Cash to purchase Stamina, but if you want to play and can't generate Madden Cash from videos your only choice is to walk away for awhile until Stamina regenerates or buy Madden Cash and pay for Stamina. The last 30 days I've spent $135 on Madden Mobile. Not all of it was for Stamina, but a good share was,
When I contact EA I just get a lot of dancing. They won't say it's a problem. They won't say there's a change in policy. I won't stop playing but I'm damn sure I'm going stop paying for Stamina. I just won't play as much.