I understand the frustration of cheaters & hackers, and the frustration of not hearing back on reports. I really do - but please don't stop reporting them. The thing is "name & shame" and not hearing back about cheating reports is standard practice at all gaming companies. I guarantee you, every game out there has to deal with the cheaters and every gaming forum has multiple threads about cheaters & hackers and why it's unfair that they can't be named & shamed and the company is doing nothing about them and... well, there are certain themes out there in the gaming world and they are prevalent everywhere. Just do a search on "why can't I name and shame game cheaters" to see it's a rule for every game forum (for a good reason).
There are several reasons; some of the most obvious are just that if you allow name & shame, everyone who feels like they shouldn't have lost or who has a beef against another player can start spamming pics & videos on the forums. Doctored up photos / videos, attacking gamers, unfounded claims - it's a slippery slope. I don't know if liability comes into it, but my guess from the gaming company's point of view is it's also a lawsuit waiting to happen. Your video or pictures may be absolute & obvious to you, but that doesn't mean everyone's would be.
On the other side, there are many gaming companies who have successfully sued the groups or companies that actually program cheating apps. They would have to gather as much info as possible about the hack in-game, then track down the programmers etc. Regardless, they can't be telling the people who reported the cheating anything about their investigation, and they open themselves up to liabilities regardless if there's a case or not. It also goes back to the reporting - sometimes it seems like every other post is "Cheaters aren't being banned" and "I was banned for no reason".
Hackers & cheaters are very sophisticated & constantly coming up with new ways to hack & cheat. You wouldn't believe how dedicated some would be. I personally don't understand the psychology of it, but there are different reasons & different "levels" of it, too. You have the game-level person who installs a cheat and uses it because of something I don't understand - they want to be a winner and don't care if they follow the rules? Then you have the cheat or hack developer who is making real money in various ways (they could sell the cheat or make a bunch of high-level accounts and sell them or sell game resources or any number of things). These are the high-level guys that I assume EA and SCBI are ultimately trying to thwart.
I don't know anything in detail about how EA or SCBI handles cheaters, cheater reports or hacking in general. I do know that it absolutely is in their best interests to get rid of cheaters and the high-level hackers that develop the cheats and the reports are really the only way for them to know how prevalent it is. I know it seems obvious to players, and I'm not saying it's not obvious to the devs, but I do think your reports are making more of an impact than just the immediate ban that you're looking for.
Recently I've seen it reported here that a cheater was banned right in the middle of a war, so that was a great sign. Why most are not - I don't know, but I assume there's a reason that we can't tell. And they can't very well announce it to anyone because that just tells the hackers what to change. I feel like a couple of the patches recently seemed to be aimed at reducing the wins by bots and cheaters. So, even if it doesn't fit well with your particular gamestyle, there may be a bigger reason for the changes and hopefully it reduces some of the cheating.
TLDR; please keep reporting suspected cheaters even if you don't hear details on your reports. They are read, investigated and help to make the game better for all players. Obviously, not as fast as we want, but it's an ongoing battle that you can continue to help fight.