Forum Discussion
I think everyone in the game needs to vow to never make sugar and spices🤞 if we all stop and just buy what's on the market when we need we can unsaturate the market, also dont make them even for the mayor's quest because they suck 👌... until then the best work around is a feeder account or work with your club to get the stuff you need, if you talking expansion, everyone in the club must get divided into different expansion groups, for example 1 group of people will collect all the expansion items for storage for 1 week while the other group collects all the land expansion e.t.c so it helps build expansions faster for everyone since it's so hard to find them in the market but everyone must be actively working together
- 6 years ago
@sachinnaid58 I’ve played this game for a week or so and have simply learned not to count on the global market for rare items or anything out of the ordinary...that being said when you complete an assignment and fill up your storage with excess material you are going to sell it regardless... it’s not a logical economic reason for folks to produce sugar & spice just to sell - ties up valuable production space for an extended time frame for little return. @bettysadog is absolutely correct, there are many items that tend to fill the global market. The most aggravating for me are hamburgers which are produced strictly for Daniel to buy. I proposed before and will again change the length of time before Daniel buys the item to five days and only at 50% of the requested value, after all this is a planning and management game. That should by default help cleanup the global market.
If you need something my advice is visit cities through the global market and open every conversation bubble as well as everyone in your’s amazing at what you’ll get including rare and useful items. My best advice is to join a supportive and helpful club where all you need to do is ask and if someone has the item they’ll share, but you need to be prepared share in return. Good luck.
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