Forum Discussion
I've seen a lot of things I'd love posted already on this list, but I'll try not to repeat.
- The option to disable Thought Bubbles and Upgrade Bubbles. Sometimes I just want to look at my city. My Sims' thoughts are so intrusive!
- The option to "lock" a building into its current tier, so that the system passes it over when considering what to upgrade next. I'm finding that I hit a max of 5-7 buildings available to upgrade, and the oldest structures are made priorities (even if I completely cut them off from city resources!) I don't want every zone to be a skyscraper... I want a realistic-feeling city. I know... I'm a dreamer.
- The ability to "get new plans" for the Dr. Vu events. I've seen too many people say that they get a flukey super-expensive repair job that I'm too terrified to do the Tower now. Even if it takes on the order of 6 hours... I think most people would rather "re-roll" their shopping list than try to produce 48 shovels.
- Better control of road placement. Too often I go to place a road, and then I can't move the camera without drawing a road. "Double tap to start road" would be a big help (but maybe not supported on all devices?)
- An actual function for the Town Hall. Seriously... it's just taking up space! Even if it provided a marginal population boost for proximity, I wouldn't want to bulldoze it. Alternatively, the option to bulldoze it: I have a City Hall... why do I need a separate Town Hall?
- More interaction of structures. I know that this was mentioned in a comical Police-->Donut fashion, but it would be cool if, say, building a Hospital (or a newer, more expensive structure) would increase the radius of all of the smaller clinics by 1. In other words, the small clinics have the support of a larger facility, and thus can treat more people. The hardened criminals get sent downtown to the Precinct, and that alleviates the burden on the small local station with 2 cells. Et cetera.
- The option to specifically turn off the siren sound effects. I LOVE the ambient sound in the game... I'd record ten hours of it and just listen to it: use it in place of white noise on nights when I have to keep my window closed. Or I would have before I had police/fire/medical/etc. stations everywhere. Now it's literally sirens all. night. long. I finally caved and turned off the sounds. I miss the sounds, but sirens constantly made me feel like I was facing an un-ending set of disasters. Seriously, sirens for awhile after the place gets Vu'd, and no sirens when everything is back to normal.
That's all I have for now.
- Anonymous11 years ago
Completely 100% agreed with this one~!
Good job buddy~
Wish they (EA) can hear it.
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