8 years agoWAR CHEATS! HELP
Hi guys! This situation are really critical now! A lot of clubs are unhappy because of cheats in war. For example our club had previous war. And our enemy was cheats. 1. They made more energy i...
Hey Jackie, we played them 2 weeks ago and reported them. Cheaters!
We are now in our 3rd war in a row where the opposition are just blasting us with magnet attacks. It's pathetic. As a club we are seriously thinking about giving up the wars. Its just not worth the time and the effort when all the opponents cheat with the magnetism attack. They obviously have some hack to get unlimited war items, particularly hydrants. (but it cannot be just hydrants because the magnet needs other items too). Thing that gets me every time is these cheating clubs make no effort to cover it up. They just bang away with magnets all day long. It's quite funny really. We are thinking about tactics to use against these clubs. We are a strong club and can score 200,000 points quite easily but it's not enough when faced with cheats. But, 200,000 does give us a chance, the problem is getting a lead on the cheats, a big enough lead and then stop repairing maybe? I dunno. At the end of the day, a war against a cheater club just turns into an exercise to improve your own card strength. Score as many points as possible, accept you're going to lose the war, and get the rewards for your personal score.
Reporting the teams to EA is a given, but it seems they are unable to act - your experience being a good example of a club that has been reported but nothing has been done. EA will tell you that it takes time and each report needs to be investigated etc etc but the reality is they should be able to see the war logs and it you don't have to be a brain surgeon to count all the magnet attacks... They know the algorithm for war items restricts the number of hydrants, so they know that endless magnet attacks is impossible with out some sort of hack.
Thanks for your kind words. The cheats are ruining the game. As a club we have all agreed not to spend a single cent until war cheats have been eliminated. After investing hundreds of my REAL DOLLARS on war card packs to help my team (and I’m not the only member of my club to do so) I’m left feeling ripped off by EA. EA continues to offer War packs for sale knowing they do not have a handle on this problem, and that is not right, EA is simply wrong to do what they are doing. Stop offering war packs until you fix this problem! They know the name of at least one cheating club so they must be aware of how they are doing their cheating. YET THE PROBLEM REMAINS UNFIXED! AND EA CONTINUES TO SELL WAR PACKS! I’ve played this game for more than three and one half years. I was excited about clubs, and challenges and wars. It seemed to me that EA was creating a good experience. I decided it was time to invest some more cash in the game. And then I find myself dealing with cheaters. It seems that the higher up the war ladder we climb the more cheaters we must deal with. This completely negates the value of those war packs. In the end it just elevated us to a level where we get cheating opponents and no opportunity to win. We wanted to stay in the top 100 but now I wonder if it’s just a list of the top 100 cheating teams. No one from Ea has bothered to respond to these posts. That bothers me too. Does everyone realize that EA makes more money off this game than the biggest Hollywood studios make off years worth of movies. EA makes billions of dollars from us. Not millions folks, it’s BILLIONS! I could have seen dozens of movies for the cash I have spent here. Have some respect for your paying players EA or you will lose us. This message is from the heart. You are losing our respect EA. SHOW SOME LOVE AND FIX THIS.