12 years agoSimCity won't start
I just downloaded the new SimCity last night using Origin. The problem is that when I try to launch the game, the cursor blinks as though the computer is working, but the game simply doesn't launch. ...
i solved my problem!!! hope this helps... my antivirus software (Eset) was stopping me from playing... i went into protocol filtering and noticed that i had the origin exes excluded but not the simcity exe! so i just checked the box to exclude simcity from filtering and ive been able to log onto the server!
@powers522 wrote:i solved my problem!!! hope this helps... my antivirus software (Eset) was stopping me from playing... i went into protocol filtering and noticed that i had the origin exes excluded but not the simcity exe! so i just checked the box to exclude simcity from filtering and ive been able to log onto the server!
This was my issue too. Simcity would rarely start for me and when it did, I couldnt claim a city or do anything. As it turns out, Norton Security was running two instances on my laptop at the same time, so i uninstalled everything (Norton, Origin, SimCity) and made sure everything was taken off. I then reinstalled Origin, then SimCity, then Norton and now (knock on wood) my game is running flawlessly. Just something for you guys to take a look at, hope it helps!
I sold followed this instruction :
Recommended: After install do a full system reboot. If that fails try these steps.
1)Reinstall Orgin
2)Uninstall and Reinstall SimCity
3)Reinstall latest Grapics Driver
4)Full System Reboot.
the game only starded one time and now don't start
I have no idea what the hell is going on. Off a fresh install, it crashes as soon as i hit "play".
I had the exact same issue - SimCity would start normally.. if I quit SimCity and wanted it to start again it wouldn't launch until I rebooted my PC.
Here is what helped in my case:
In the Origin Program Settings, go to Ingame and disable the ingame overlay. After that the game starts normally as often as you want.
Jawsbyte - Thank you so much! I was getting so annoyed with rebooting everytime I wanted to play the game. I finally googled it, which brought me to your post, and that fixed it for me! Thanks again!! 😕mileyvery-happy: