Anakin's bug that prevents him from attacking with lightsaber + A buff request
Product: Star Wars Battlefront II
What is your issue related to? General
Summarize your bug Below I leave a bug that Anakin received once I played with it two weeks ago:
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name?
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 04/10/2020
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 04/10/2020 10:00 AM
In what game mode did the bug occur? Heroes vs. Villains
What is your time zone?
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I have no idea how they can solve the bug problem.
What happens when the bug occurs? Anakin is unable to cause a lightsaber attack when this bug occurs.
What do you expect to see? To fix this bug and also include a second damage reduction after Anakin unleashes the strength of the Heroic Might ability.
Please select your region North America
AMD or Nvidia Model Number
@Straatford87 @EA_Blueberry @EA_Zoe @EA_Joz @EA_Mat @EA_Eve @EA_Barry @EA_Bastian
Hi guys, could you give any feedback on bugs related to Anakin that have not been fixed in any of the latest updates? And also consider removing the force reducers that have been added to the Massive Strike card, and returning Anakin's melee deflections from 10 to 14, as it was before. In addition to increasing a damage buff on skills: Heroic Might and Passionate Strike?
I don't blame you for Anakin's nerfs, but I hope you can at least answer me about this post, since no one from EA gives feedback on Anakin's status. I would be very grateful if you read this post and give me an answer.
Below I leave a bug that Anakin received once I played with it two weeks ago. In this bug a black aurea is around Anakin which makes it impossible for him to attack with the lightsaber:
I wonder when he will receive bug fixes and damage buff updates on his abilities (Heroic Might, Passionate Strike), stamina and cards.
See Anakin deals only 90 damage with Heroic Might and 40 damage with Passionate Strike as it is practically impossible to hit the second hit with 130 damage as EA Dice removed the target's fixer from the ability and also shortened the distance a lot reach for passionate Strike to reach a target. Can you see
that Anakin is very weak against the villains class*?
* Villain Class: Count Dooku, General Grievous, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Iden Versio, Kylo Ren, BB -9E, Captain Phasma and Bossk
His three main skills together do only 210 damage, while other characters like Darth Vader do about 510 damage with Saber Throw (150 damage on the first throw of the shot and 150 more damage hitting the opponent from behind, since the shot it's like a boomerang) and Choke (about 220 damage). That is why Anakin needs to buff damage in these two abilities.
Iden Versio deals 150 damage with each secondary shot of her which has a delay of just a couple of seconds of activation, while Heroic Might deals only 90 damage with no chance of the damage exceeding 120. They don't think it's pathetic that Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one, a Jedi deal damage below 150 in all his abilities?
You don't think the character is too weak! And on top of that they added the following limiters to it:
Massive Strike: Added a 25% stamina with a ridiculous 20 of damage increase in lightsaber blows.
Pressure: Reduced the additional damage from 40 to 25 that Passionate Strike deals.
Current Melee Deflections: 10
Melee Deflections Original: 14
Anakin's 4 melee deflections decreased
That is, every time the devs move on Anakin it is only to nerf him. It's never meant to buff him, and they almost never fix Anakin's bugs.
Therefore, the minimum that devs should do is to fix Anakin's bugs and buff Heroic Might and Passionate Strike skills in addition to leaving the melee deflections with 14 instead of 10.